Microsoft recently partnered with a revenue and customs agency of a major European government that is responsible for the collection of taxes, the payment of state support, and the administration of other regulatory regimes, including the national minimum wage. This agency forms an integral part of the financial[…]
Read MoreClinician burnout is one of the most significant and urgent challenges facing the healthcare industry today. According to an American Medical Association survey of nearly 21,000 healthcare professionals, almost half reported at least one symptom of burnoutand 43 percent said they suffer from work overload.1 Physician burnout costs[…]
Read MoreThe Microsoft Ignite event is one of our opportunities to showcase new and updated technology innovations. We all know that now, more than ever, it’s critical to apply technology to create safer factories, and more resilient and sustainable supply chains. However, one thing stays the same for manufacturershow do we[…]
Read MoreComing off a successful week at Sibos 2022 in Amsterdam alongside many of our partners like Accenture/Avanade, BackBase, CapGemini, FIS, and SAS, we are energized by the incredible Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services partner solutions coming to market to help financial organizations continue their transition to the cloud[…]
Read MoreThe world relies on industry. Events over the last two years have revealed just how important our ability to adapt and be resilient to changes and challenges is. Across all industries, whether healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, or even non-profit, an organization’s digital resilience can be key to success.[…]
Read MoreThe financial services industry has pivoted at a rapid pace to modernize systems and move to use Microsoft Cloud services as the backbone for key functions from worker productivity, front and back-end business applications, and running underlying infrastructure at scale. External factors such as COVID-19, threat actors in cyberspace,[…]
Read MoreMille oggetti connessi ora, che l’anno prossimo potrebbero quadruplicare. Internet delle cose per WebRatio non è il futuro ma già realtà, con lo spin off del Politecnico di Milano a sperimentare una crescita esponenziale in questa area di business. «Per noi – spiega l’ad e co-fondatore Stefano Butti[…]
Read MoreIn questo periodo due neologismi stanno spopolando nell’anglosfera. Una coppia di parole entrate nell’uso e nel linguaggio comune, che capita di sentire pronunciate in continuazione nelle città degli Usa. E che rimandano a quella tecnologia che è parte fondamentale dell’esperienza di vita degli individui nella società delle Reti e della rivoluzione digitale permanente. Al punto che gli[…]
Read MoreIl processo amministrativo telematico, che ha debuttato il 1°gennaio inizia a prendere le misure. Almeno il 98% degli atti spediti dagli avvocati in modalità digitale va a buon fine, come è stato rilevato ieri durante l’assemblea nazionale dell’Una (Unione degli avvocati amministrativisti) che si è tenuta al Consiglio di Stato. A rasserenare gli[…]
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