18 Aprile 2023
Microsoft shifts to a new threat actor naming taxonomy

Today, Microsoft is excited to announce that we are shifting to a new threat actor naming taxonomy aligned to the theme of weather. The complexity, scale, and volume of threats is increasing, driving the need to reimagine not only how Microsoft talks about threats but also how we[…]

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18 Aprile 2023
Nation-state threat actor Mint Sandstorm refines tradecraft to attack high-value targets

Over the past several months, Microsoft has observed a mature subgroup of Mint Sandstorm, an Iranian nation-state actor previously tracked as PHOSPHORUS, refining its tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). Specifically, this subset has rapidly weaponized N-day vulnerabilities in common enterprise applications and conducted highly-targeted phishing campaigns to quickly[…]

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17 Aprile 2023
Protect intellectual property with Govern 365 and Microsoft Purview

This blog post is part of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association guest blog series. Learn more about MISA.  Global supply chains face a broad range of risks, from physical threats to cybersecurity threats. Sharing information with suppliers is essential for the supply chain to function effectively, but it creates significant[…]

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17 Aprile 2023
See product news and on-demand sessions from Microsoft Secure

“Great speakers and very knowledgeable.” “Brilliant.” “Wonderful and very useful.” The first Microsoft Secure on March 28, 2023, was a huge success—as this attendee feedback shows. Our virtual event brought together more than 20,000 security professionals eager to learn security best practices and hear major product announcements—including the[…]

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13 Aprile 2023
Low-code signals 2023

Low-code: One of the best investment for IT departments in 2023Under these current economic pressures, organizations are being squeezed at all levels, as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects slowed global growth in 2023, down to 2.9percent from 6 percent in 2021.1 IT departments are no exception as[…]

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13 Aprile 2023
Threat actors strive to cause Tax Day headaches

Threat actors often take advantage of current events and major news headlines to align attacks and leverage social engineering when people could be more likely to be distracted or misled. Tax season is particularly appealing to threat actors because not only are people busy and under stress, but[…]

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13 Aprile 2023
Improve supply chain security and resiliency with Microsoft  

Let’s start with the bad news. Cybersecurity breaches can be particularly devastating for supply chains, which involve multiple parties and sensitive information. As operational technology (OT) devices become increasingly connected, blurring the gap between IT and OT environments, the risk of hackers targeting sensitive supply chain data increases.[…]

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12 Aprile 2023
LinkedIn and Microsoft Entra introduce a new way to verify your workplace

In the digital world, when you meet professional contacts for the first time online, you need additional trust signals to increase your confidence that they are who they say they are. We’re thrilled to announce that millions of LinkedIn members will be able to verify their place of[…]

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11 Aprile 2023
Guidance for investigating attacks using CVE-2022-21894: The BlackLotus campaign

This guide provides steps that organizations can take to assess whether users have been targeted or compromised by threat actors exploiting CVE-2022-21894 via a Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) bootkit called BlackLotus. UEFI bootkits are particularly dangerous as they run at computer startup, prior to the operating system[…]

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11 Aprile 2023
DEV-0196: QuaDream’s “KingsPawn” malware used to target civil society in Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia

Microsoft Threat Intelligence analysts assess with high confidence that a threat group tracked by Microsoft as DEV-0196 is linked to an Israel-based private sector offensive actor (PSOA) known as QuaDream. QuaDream reportedly sells a platform they call REIGN to governments for law enforcement purposes. REIGN is a suite[…]

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