Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

General availability: Azure Sphere OS version 23.10 expected on November 8

Participate in retail evaluation now to ensure compatibility. The Azure Sphere team has also updated the trusted keystore of Azure[…]

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Public preview: Traffic Splitting for Azure Static Web Apps

Split traffic to your Azure Static Web Apps across multiple environments to gradually rollout features and compare versions being tested. […]

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Public preview: Snippets for Azure Static Web Apps

Inject snippets into your website’s pages to add analytics, customizations and integrations, or to optimize performance without changing your source[…]

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An integrated incident response solution with Microsoft and PwC

Today Microsoft Incident Response is excited to announce a new collaboration with PwC to expand our joint incident response and[…]

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Powering the energy transition with AI and collaborative partnerships

While global energy demand continues to rise, tackling the trilemma of energy security, equity, and the climate crisis remains one[…]

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GA: Service Bus message settlement in isolated worker model for .NET Azure Functions

Functions using the ServiceBusTrigger can perform message settlement actions in the isolated worker model for .NET applications Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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GA: Performance optimizations for the isolated worker model in .NET Azure Functions

Major cold start improvements are available to .NET apps on the Azure Functions isolated worker model. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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Public preview: Disable Secure Shell (SSH) support in AKS

You can now disable secure shell (SSH) in AKS Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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GA: Bring our own keys (BYOK) on Ephemeral OS Disk

You can now encrypt OS and Data disks of your AKS nodes in production with your own managed keys. Source:[…]

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Octo Tempest crosses boundaries to facilitate extortion, encryption, and destruction

Microsoft has been tracking activity related to the financially motivated threat actor Octo Tempest, whose evolving campaigns represent a growing[…]

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Public preview: Azure NetApp Files standard storage with cool access

Azure NetApp Files standard storage with cool access is now in public preview. With the new cool access feature, you[…]

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Protect SQL Server 2014 workloads with Extended Security Updates

SQL Server 2014 will reach its end of ten-year product lifecycle on July 9th, 2024. To provide you with the[…]

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