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Public Preview: Create and manage Azure Monitor managed Prometheus rules in Azure portal

You can now create and manage Azure Managed Prometheus rule groups, alert rules and recording rules in the Azure Portal […]

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Microsoft as sustainability customer zero: Using data to drive progress

Introduction from Melanie Nakagawa, Chief Sustainability Officer, Microsoft. At Microsoft, we believe that for our company to do well, the[…]

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Extended support for .NET 6 (LTS) ends on 12 November 2024

Extended support for .NET 6 (LTS) ends 12 November 2024 – upgrade your apps to .NET 8 (LTS) Source: Microsoft[…]

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Extended support for .NET 7 (STS) ends on 14 May 2024

Extended support for .NET 7 (STS) ends on 14 May 2024 – upgrade your apps to .NET 8 (LTS) Source:[…]

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General Availability – Azure Backup for AKS

Azure Backup is announcing General Availability of Azure Backup for AKS allowing customers to protect their applications by providing ability[…]

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Public Preview: Kafka Input and Output with Azure Stream Analytics

You can connect directly to Kafka to ingest from Kafka clusters or output data to Kafka clusters in your Azure[…]

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Public Preview Preview: Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) with Azure Stream Analytics

You can ingest events in protobuf format into Azure Stream Analytics using a built-in deserializer. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Schema migration for target Azure SQL DB

Transfer your database schema from source to target Azure SQL DB using DMS from the Azure Portal. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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General availability: SKU recommendation in Azure SQL Migration extension – Azure Data Studio

Support for SKU recommendation in the Azure SQL Migration extension for Azure Data Studio is in GA. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General availability: Azure Portal experience for Azure Database Migration Service

The new Azure Portal experience for Azure Database Migration Service (DMS) allows you to perform seamless migrations from SQL Server[…]

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Public Preview: Server logs for Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Flexible Server

Enhance your database monitoring with the new server log feature for Azure Database for PostgreSQL, offering customizable retention and straightforward[…]

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General Availability: pgvector 0.5.1 extension

Pgvector 0.5.1, includes support for HSNW indexing, l1_distance, and sum aggregates since the prior supported version 0.4.0 Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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