Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure.Source – Volume 39 now available

Catch up with Azure in one blog post. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General availability: Microsoft-hosted Linux and macOS agents in VSTS Sprint 137 Update

In the Sprint 137 Update of Visual Studio Team Services, we’ve removed the “Preview” moniker from our Linux and macOS[…]

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Power BI Embedded dashboards with Azure Stream Analytics

Using Power BI with Azure Stream Analytics enables users of Power BI Embedded dashboards to visualize insights from streaming data[…]

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Public preview: Azure SQL Data Warehouse extension for SQL Operations Studio

The Azure SQL Data Warehouse extension for SQL Operations Studio is in preview. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Security Center update July 1

The Azure Security Center update on July 1 includes many features, including a redesigned overview dashboard and new security recommendations. […]

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Apply themes to Power BI Embedded dashboards

In Power BI Embedded, you can now embed dashboards that includes themes. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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New documentation for Power BI Embedded REST APIs

New documentation for all of Power BI REST APIs is available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General availability: Slicers API for Power BI Embedded

The Slicers API for Power BI Embedded is generally available. It gives developers full control over the interactivity and drilling[…]

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Azure DevTest Labs: Auto-fill virtual machine username and password

When you create a virtual machine as a lab user, the username and password for the machine are now pre-filled. […]

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Azure DevTest Labs: Auto-fill virtual machine name

When you create a virtual machine as a lab user, the name of the machine is now pre-filled with an[…]

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Increased reference data size in Azure Stream Analytics

Azure Stream Analytics now supports reference data with a maximum size of 300 MB. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Proposal Manager for financial services helps increase proposal win rates

The commercial and corporate lending environment is increasingly competitive and squeezing interest margins for banks and lenders. Bank lending teams[…]

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