Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Build-A-Bear turns to Microsoft 365 to empower employees and drive competitive advantage

Today’s post was written by Mike Early, senior managing director and head of information technology at Build-A-Bear Workshop. Build-A-Bear Workshop[…]

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Secure credential management by using Azure Key Vault and Data Factory

Azure Data Factory is now integrated with Azure Key Vault. You can store credentials for your data stores and computes[…]

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Exelon sceglie Customer Lockbox per Office 365 per proteggere la sicurezza e la privacy dei dati

  Il post di oggi è stato scritto da Ron Markezich, vicepresidente corporate di Microsoft. In un ambiente altamente regolamentato[…]

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New to Microsoft 365 in April—tools for the modern workplace

This month, we’re kicking off a new approach and moving from our monthly “What’s new in Office 365” blog to[…]

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New Calendar, Mail, and mobile Outlook features help you get things done

You have emails to respond to, things to take care of, and places to be! New Outlook features—across Windows, Mac,[…]

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Nuove funzionalità di Outlook per calendario, posta e dispositivi mobili ti aiutano a lavorare con la massima efficienza

E-mail a cui rispondere, questioni di cui occuparti e luoghi diversi tra cui dividerti: le nuove funzionalità di Outlook, per[…]

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Safeguard your business with new security features for Microsoft 365 Business

Many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are concerned about their ability to protect their business from cyberattacks and keep their[…]

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Salvaguarda il tuo business con nuove funzionalità di sicurezza per Microsoft 365 Business

Sono molte le aziende di piccole e medie dimensioni (PMI) che sono ben consapevoli dell’importanza di proteggersi dai cyberattacchi e[…]

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Making IT simpler with a modern workplace

There is a simple way to explain one of the biggest threats to any organization’s infrastructure. It’s just one word:[…]

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L’IT è più semplice in un ambiente di lavoro moderno

Per descrivere una delle più grandi minacce per l’infrastruttura di qualsiasi organizzazione basta una parola: complessità. La complessità è il[…]

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General availability: Replicated tables in Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Reduce data movement and make your queries more efficient with the general availability of replicated tables in Azure SQL Data[…]

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Public preview: Event Hubs for Node.js

Send events and receive event streams from Azure Event Hubs in your Node.js applications by using the updated package. Source:[…]

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