Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

General availability: Azure Maps

Azure Maps is now generally available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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New to Microsoft 365 in May—empowering and securing users

Each month on the Microsoft 365 Blog, we highlight key updates to Microsoft 365 that build on our vision for[…]

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Novità di maggio per Microsoft 365: supporto e sicurezza per gli utenti

Ogni mese nel blog di Microsoft 365, evidenziamo i principali aggiornamenti apportati in Microsoft 365 in base alla nostra visione[…]

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Visualize release progress—VSTS Sprint 135 Update

The Sprint 135 Update of Visual Studio Team Services brings a new way to visualize all your release activity. Source:[…]

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General availability: Soft delete for Azure Storage blobs

Soft delete for Azure Storage is available in all regions, both public and private. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Refresh 2 release for Azure File Sync preview

If you want to take your current deployment of Azure File Sync seamlessly to the upcoming GA release, be sure[…]

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Survey of business leaders highlights the importance of digitally enabling Firstline Workers

Today, there are more than two billion Firstline Workers, who are often a customer’s first point of contact, making them[…]

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Public preview: Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Database for PostgreSQL are in public preview. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Database for MySQL

Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Database for MySQL are in public preview. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Name changes: Azure SQL Database long-term backup retention for Australia

Effective July 1, 2018, long-term retention RA-GRS backup storage charges for Australia Central and Australia Central 2 customers will be[…]

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Log Analytics query language recommendations for Summarize and Join operators

For the Summarize and Join operators, we recommend that you modify your query syntax where applicable in saved searches and[…]

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The sweet life with Jocelyn Delk Adams

When you’re a successful food blogger, cookbook author, TV celebrity, world traveler, devoted wife, expecting mother, and occasional tap dancer,[…]

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