Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure Data Box heavy edition now available for petabyte-sized data transfers

The Azure Data Box heavy edition is a secure, ruggedized appliance shipped to customers to facilitate petabyte-sized offline data transfers[…]

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Azure Redis Cache now supports a 120-GB cache in the premium tier

Now in preview, Azure Redis Cache now supports a 120-GB cache in the premium tier. This new offering more than[…]

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Usare Microsoft 365 per accelerare percorso di adeguamento alle normative di conformità moderne

Il post di oggi è stato scritto da Rudra Mitra, Partner Director di Microsoft 365 Security and Compliance. Restare al[…]

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Windows Virtual Desktop

Windows Virtual Desktop enables you to get the best virtual desktop with the full Windows 10 and an optimized Office[…]

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La tua app per l’email preferita, Outlook Mobile, aggiunge nuove funzionalità per la protezione delle informazioni aziendali e la gestione dei dispositivi mobili

Tre anni fa abbiamo presentato Outlook Mobile sul mercato con una missione: offrire la migliore app per l’uso dell’email e[…]

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What's new in Azure DNS: Alias records

Azure DNS now supports alias records for DNS zones. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Guest Configuration feature for Azure Policy

A new feature is in preview for Azure Policy. Azure customers now have native tooling that offers visibility inside virtual[…]

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Azure API Management update September 24

Learn about the latest regular update to Azure API Management. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Logic Apps available in Azure China cloud

Logic Apps is available in the Azure China cloud. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Office 2019 disponibile per Windows e per Mac

Oggi annunciamo la disponibilità a livello generale di Office 2019 per Windows e per Mac. Office 2019 è la nuova[…]

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Reducing Kubernetes patch versions supported in Azure Kubernetes Service

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) now supports only two stable patch versions for every minor version supported. AKS previously supported five[…]

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Virtual network peering across Azure Active Directory tenants

Virtual network peering is now available for virtual networks that belong to subscriptions in different Azure Active Directory tenants. Source:[…]

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