Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure API Management update October 11

Learn about the latest regular update to Azure API Management. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Send your Azure Active Directory data to Azure Log Analytics

The ability to forward your Azure Active Directory logs to Azure Log Analytics is now available. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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Azure Container Instances now available in Central India and South Central US

Azure Container Instances supports Linux and Windows containers in two new regions: Central India (Pune) and South Central US (Texas). […]

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Azure Security Center update – Ignite 2018

This update contains new features announced as generally available at Ignite 2018. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Integra i dati di Office 365 su larga scala in Azure con Data Factory

Azure Data Factory offre ora una nuova funzionalità che abilita l’accesso sicuro, regolamentato e scalabile ai dati di Office 365[…]

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Azure Backup available in Australia Central regions

Azure Backup has expanded its operations to Australia Central and Australia Central 2. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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PHP minor version update for November 2018

In November 2018, Azure App Service will update the PHP stacks to the latest available versions. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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Azure SQL Database Managed Instance name change and GUID migration

Region names and resource GUIDs for Managed Instance General Purpose SQL License were changed on September 27, 2018. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Public preview: Azure Database for MariaDB

Azure Database for MariaDB is in public preview. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Deprecation of preview API versions for Azure Database for MySQL

For Azure Database for MySQL, all customers who use the preview APIs must switch to the new API version by[…]

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Deprecation of preview API versions for Azure Database for PostgreSQL

For Azure Database for PostgreSQL, all customers who use the preview APIs must switch to the new API version by[…]

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General availability: Move PostgreSQL servers to new resource groups and subscriptions

Move Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers to a new resource group or subscription. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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