Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure FXT Edge Filer (Avere Update)

An updated Avere FXT Edge Filer appliance is in development. This redesigned hardware will take advantage of Avere software technology[…]

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M-series virtual machines (VMs) are now available in Australia Central region.

M-series virtual machines (VMs) offer configurations with memory from 192 GB to 3.8 TiB (4 TB) RAM and are certified[…]

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Preview refresh: Azure Backup supports PowerShell and ACLs for Azure Files

You can now retain your backup of Azure Files shares for 10 years by using Azure Backup and PowerShell. Source:[…]

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Anteprima pubblica: Repliche in lettura in Database di Azure per PostgreSQL

Ora puoi creare repliche in lettura nella stessa area in Database di Azure per PostgreSQL per ridimensionare i tuoi carichi[…]

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Azure Container Instances Memory Duration and vCPU Duration GUID migration

Effective March 1, 2019, the resource GUIDs for Azure Container Instances Memory Duration and vCPU Duration will change. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Azure Cognitive Services Custom Speech Model Hosting resource GUID change

Effective March 1, 2019, the resource GUIDs and the unit of measure for Azure Cognitive Services Custom Speech Model Hosting[…]

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Azure SQL Database: Upgraded infrastructure for monitoring and alerts

Azure SQL Database is upgrading the infrastructure for monitoring and alerts from January 22, 2019 to January 28, 2019. Source:[…]

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Power BI Embedded Status API tracks workspace assignment to capacities

The Status API checks the current assignment status of a workspace to a capacity (for example, CompletedSuccessfully). Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Public preview: Token-based identity for Azure AD users in SQL Database

Customers with data in Azure SQL Database can now manage users and their access to data in SQL Database when[…]

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Power BI Embedded API for capacity workload configuration

Power BI REST APIs and SDKs automatically manage dataflows and workload settings for paginated reports on Power BI Embedded. Source:[…]

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Power BI Embedded supports Q&A with row-level security

Power BI Embedded supports Q&A with row-level security configurations. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Migrate è ora disponibile in Asia ed Europa

Azure Migrate supporta ora la creazione di progetti di migrazione nelle aree geografiche di Asia ed Europa. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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