Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Office 365 per Mac è disponibile sul Mac App Store

Office consente a tutti di realizzare di più con qualsiasi dispositivo. Ed è perfettamente compatibile con Mac. Il nostro obiettivo[…]

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Public preview: Azure API Management support for OpenAPI Specification v3

Azure API Management introduces preview support of OpenAPI Specification v3, the latest version of the broadly used open-source standard of[…]

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HDInsight Tooling has new capabilities

The Azure HDInsight Tools for VSCode are now generally available (GA). They provide you with best-in-class authoring experiences for Apache[…]

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Service Bus and Event Hubs Availability Zones now generally available (GA)

Availability Zones support is now generally available for Azure Service Bus premium and Azure Event Hubs standard in every Azure[…]

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Support for Amazon RDS for SQL Server to Azure SQL Database online migrations

Migrate Amazon RDS for SQL Server to Azure SQL Database with minimal downtime by using generally available functionality in the[…]

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OpenAPI v3 support in Azure API Management is now in preview

Azure API Management now supports version 3 of OpenAPI in addition to the already supported versions 1.2 and 2.0. Source:[…]

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Support for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL to Azure Database for PostgreSQL online migrations

Access generally available functionality in the Azure Database Migration Service to migrate Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL to Azure Database for[…]

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Support for Amazon RDS for MySQL to Azure Database for MySQL online migrations

Access generally available functionality in Azure Database Migration Service to migrate Amazon RDS for MySQL to Azure Database for MySQL[…]

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Azure FXT Edge Filer (Avere Update)

An updated Avere FXT Edge Filer appliance is in development. This redesigned hardware will take advantage of Avere software technology[…]

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M-series virtual machines (VMs) are now available in Australia Central region.

M-series virtual machines (VMs) offer configurations with memory from 192 GB to 3.8 TiB (4 TB) RAM and are certified[…]

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Preview refresh: Azure Backup supports PowerShell and ACLs for Azure Files

You can now retain your backup of Azure Files shares for 10 years by using Azure Backup and PowerShell. Source:[…]

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Anteprima pubblica: Repliche in lettura in Database di Azure per PostgreSQL

Ora puoi creare repliche in lettura nella stessa area in Database di Azure per PostgreSQL per ridimensionare i tuoi carichi[…]

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