Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Themes API for Power BI Embedded

You can use the Themes API to apply a custom theme to your embedded report, such as corporate colors, seasonal[…]

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Control all Power BI Embedded visual menu actions programmatically

The Options and Context Menus APIs have been extended to provide full control for each visual in the report on[…]

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APIs for Power BI app content

You can use a new set of APIs to get a list of your Power BI installed apps and their[…]

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Schedule DirectQuery cache refresh for Power BI Embedded

Use the REST API for Power BI Embedded to set the cache refresh of a DirectQuery or live connection dataset. […]

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Schedule refreshes with the Power BI Embedded REST API

The new REST API enables you to set a new refresh schedule or override the configuration of an existing schedule. […]

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Azure HDInsight is now available in France Central

Across the world, Azure HDInsight is available in 29 public regions, including France Central. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Retiring Azure Batch AI

Microsoft made the Azure Machine Learning service generally available on Dec 4, 2018, which allows users to build, train, manage[…]

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General availability: Azure Kubernetes Service in France Central

Azure Kubernetes Service is now generally available in France Central. It’s the 18th Azure region to offer the service. Source:[…]

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.NET Core February 2019 Update availability on App Service

The .NET Core February 2019 Update is now available on App Service (Windows). Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Proteggi le VM in Azure con la replica diretta in Managed Disks

Azure Site Recovery supporta il ripristino di emergenza delle macchine virtuali VMware e dei computer fisici mediante la replica diretta[…]

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Global VNet Peering now supports Standard Load Balancer

Global VNet Peering now supports Standard Load Balancer in all Azure regions, including Azure China and Azure Government regions. Source:[…]

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È tempo di passare a Microsoft 365

Tra meno di un anno il supporto per Windows 7 terminerà. Molti di voi sono già sulla già buona strada[…]

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