Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Riduci le distrazioni e rimani concentrato con gli aggiornamenti basati sull’intelligenza artificiale di Microsoft 365

Non è un segreto che vita e lavoro siano sempre più frenetici. Non è insolito trascorrere tutto il giorno tra[…]

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Nuove esperienze incentrate sulle persone in Microsoft 365, il cloud per la produttività su scala globale

Oggi al Microsoft Build 2019 abbiamo annunciato le ultime innovazioni di Microsoft 365. Abbiamo lanciato Microsoft 365 quasi due anni[…]

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Advanced Threat Protection for Azure Storage – now generally available

Advanced Threat Protection for Azure Storage is now generally available Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Virtual Machines NVSv3 Series and NVSv3 Series Windows name changes

On June 1, 2019, the meter names for NVSv3 Series and NVSv3 Series Windows will change. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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Come aiutare le piccole aziende a proteggere la risorsa più preziosa che hanno: i loro dati

Tutti gli imprenditori devono affrontare una serie di difficoltà, dall’attirare e mantenere i talenti in un mercato del lavoro complesso[…]

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Application Insights Availability in Azure US Gov Virginia Region

Application Insights is now available in US Gov Virginia region. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Pipelines app for Teams, improved GitHub and Azure Boards integration: Sprint 151 Update

In the Sprint 151 Update of Azure DevOps, we improved GitHub integration with Azure Boards by adding a GitHub Marketplace[…]

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Switch API preference for Log Alerts

Log alert for Log Analytics users can now switch to the Azure compliant scheduledQueryRules API – without distruption to their[…]

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Microsoft Office offre nuovi controlli per la privacy

All’inizio di questa settimana, Julie Brill, Corporate Vice President e Deputy General Counsel di Microsoft, ha pubblicato un blog in[…]

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Azure Application Gateway Standard v2 and WAF v2 SKUs generally available

Azure Application Gateway Standard v2 and WAF v2 SKUs are now generally available and fully supported with a 99.95 SLA. […]

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General availability: Azure Log Analytics in CENTRAL US, EAST US 2, EAST ASIA, WEST US and SOUTH CENTRAL US

CENTRAL US, EAST US 2, EAST ASIA, WEST US, & SOUTH Central US regions are now GA for customers to[…]

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Retire and replace specific Security Center features on July 31, 2019

Each of the Security Center features that are being retired can be replaced with new ones, or existing features in[…]

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