Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure Cost Management multi-cloud for AWS is in preview

Now you can manage your AWS spend along your Azure spend in Azure Cost Management Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure AD admin roles for B2C are in public preview

Announcing the public preview of new B2C Azure AD administrator roles for B2C tenants. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux BYOS images now available

Red Hat Enterprise Linux images are now available as both BYOS and PAYG offers. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Shared Image Gallery is now generally available

Azure Shared Image Gallery makes it easier to manage, share and distribute custom virtual machine (VM) images in Azure. Shared[…]

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Azure ExpressRoute is generally available in eight additional locations

Azure ExpressRoute lets you extend your on-premises networks into the Microsoft cloud over a private connection facilitated by a connectivity[…]

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Announcing Ephemeral OS Disk in Public Preview

We are happy to announce Ephemeral OS disk in Public Preview. Ephemeral OS disks work well for stateless workloads, where[…]

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Expose a Function App via API Management by linking it to a new or existing API is in preview

We have simplified the publishing and consumption experience of API-based Function Apps. You can now easily manage them with API[…]

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Inline Code for Azure Logic Apps is in preview

Committed to meet customers where they are, the new Inline code feature enables developers to write and execute simple ECMAScript (also[…]

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Riduci le distrazioni e rimani concentrato con gli aggiornamenti basati sull’intelligenza artificiale di Microsoft 365

Non è un segreto che vita e lavoro siano sempre più frenetici. Non è insolito trascorrere tutto il giorno tra[…]

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Nuove esperienze incentrate sulle persone in Microsoft 365, il cloud per la produttività su scala globale

Oggi al Microsoft Build 2019 abbiamo annunciato le ultime innovazioni di Microsoft 365. Abbiamo lanciato Microsoft 365 quasi due anni[…]

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Advanced Threat Protection for Azure Storage – now generally available

Advanced Threat Protection for Azure Storage is now generally available Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Virtual Machines NVSv3 Series and NVSv3 Series Windows name changes

On June 1, 2019, the meter names for NVSv3 Series and NVSv3 Series Windows will change. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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