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Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Anteprima pubblica dei gruppi di calcolo in Azure Analysis Services

Siamo felici di annunciare che i gruppi di calcolo sono ora disponibili ufficialmente in anteprima pubblica per Azure Analysis Services! […]

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Anteprima pubblica delle relazioni molti-a-molti in Azure Analysis Services

Le relazioni molti-a-molti in Azure Analysis Services consentono le relazioni tra tabelle in cui entrambe le colonne non sono univoche. […]

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Power BI Embedded analytics accessibility improvements for application users

We’ve added some accessibility improvements to applications using Power BI Embedded analytics that will help users of applications have additional[…]

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‘Key influencers’ AI visual is now available in Power BI Embedded analytics to help users identify what factors influence a KPI

The Key influencers visual surfaces what factors influence a KPI. For example, users may want to analyze what factors impact[…]

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Upload Datasets only with Power BI Embedded analytics ‘Import’ API

Using the Power BI Import API, developers can uncouple the dataset and report so they can upload just the dataset[…]

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Power BI REST API with ‘Try-it’ tool allows you to try APIs without any code

Anyone with a Power BI license can now log into the account to see how the Power BI REST API[…]

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High-Performance Computing Virtual Machines are now available in West US 2, East US

HC-series Virtual Machines, designed to provide supercomputer-grade performance and scalability with the best price-performance on the public cloud, are now[…]

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Cognitive Services Text Analytics' Named Entity Recognition is now available

We are happy to announce the general availability of Named Entity Recognition supporting English and Spanish languages as part of[…]

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Microsoft, Nasdaq e Refinitiv offrono costantemente agli investitori dati e informazioni dettagliate in tempo reale in Excel

Gli investimenti finanziari sono una delle cose più importanti da monitorare quotidianamente e milioni di persone scelgono Excel per gestire[…]

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General availability: Azure Kubernetes Service in China (China East2 and China North2)

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is now generally available in China, in both China East2 and China North2. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Media Services is now available in Korea Region

Media Services is now available in Korea Central and Korea South. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure DevTest Labs: Configure a shared image gallery in your lab

Azure DevTest Labs now lets you configure a shared image gallery in your lab Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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