Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Desktop virtuale Windows è ora disponibile a livello generale e mondiale

Oggi, siamo lieti di annunciare che Desktop virtuale Windows è disponibile a livello generale e mondiale. Desktop virtuale Windows è[…]

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Sono stati apportati miglioramenti alla gestione delle regole con i controlli applicazioni adattivi nel Centro sicurezza di Azure

Sono stati apportati miglioramenti alla gestione delle regole delle macchine virtuali con i controlli applicazioni adattivi nel Centro sicurezza di[…]

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Azure Security Center—Control container security recommendation using Azure Policy

Azure Security Center’s recommendation to remediate vulnerabilities in container security can now be disabled or enabled via Azure Policy. Source:[…]

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Azure Security Center—1-click remediation for security recommendations is now available

Azure Security Center now allows you to remediate one recommendation on multiple resources with a single click. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Azure API Management update—September 2019

A regular Azure API Management service update was started on September 23, 2019, that included the following bug fixes, changes,[…]

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Azure Sphere Preview—Update 19.09 is now available for evaluation

The Azure Sphere Preview 19.09 feature release is now available via the retail evaluation feed. The retail evaluation is meant[…]

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Azure Cosmos DB recommendations keep you on the right track

Azure Cosmos DB gets updated frequently, so to make it easier to stay up-to-date, we’ve introduced automatic and tailored recommendations[…]

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Register your SQL Server on Azure VMs self-installations with Resource Provider

For the first time ever, you can register your self-installations of SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines with Resource Provider[…]

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Azure portal September 2019 feature update

The Azure portal has updates to Azure Data Explorer and to Azure SQL. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Data Factory supports copying data into Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Azure Data Factory now supports Azure Database for PostgreSQL as a sink. Use the copy activity feature to load data[…]

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Azure CLI support for Azure HDInsight is now available

Azure CLI support for Azure HDInsight is now generally available. This enables administrators to easily manage their HDInsight clusters using[…]

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Extending the retirement date for Scheduler to December 31, 2019

Based on customer feedback and requests, we are offering an extension to the deadline for service retirement for Scheduler from[…]

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