Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure Service Fabric 7.0 third refresh release

The Azure Service Fabric 7.0 third refresh release, which includes bug fixes, preview features, and performance enhancements, has started rolling[…]

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Data Factory adds schema import, connection tests, and custom sink ordering to data flows

Azure Data Factory added several new features to mapping data flows this week: Import schema and test connection from debug[…]

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Le nuove funzionalità di Azure DevOps includono miglioramenti alla sicurezza di Azure Pipelines con variabili di sola lettura

Un aggiornamento per Azure DevOps include miglioramenti alla sicurezza di Azure Pipelines con variabili di sola lettura e il supporto[…]

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Analisi di flusso di Azure – Funzioni di rilevamento anomalie basate su Machine Learning

Aggiungi con facilità funzionalità di rilevamento anomalie ai processi di Analisi di flusso senza dover sviluppare ed eseguire il training[…]

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Customer Story: Technology in harmony – the story of Port Alberni School District

How can a three-person IT team keep an entire district outfitted with devices that are both usable for all students, and yet provide a customized experience for every one of them? For Port Alberni School District, their secret tool was Intune for Education. In combination with Azure Active Directory, Intune allowed them to have a single sign-on for each of their students and to assign apps to follow that student no matter what device they were using. The result? An easily manageable landscape of devices, all customized to meet individual student needs. Small IT teams don’t have to mean restricting the technology available to students. Contact us to learn more.

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The state of modern device deployment in education

When considering a new technology for their school, IT professionals weigh everything from ease of deployment to in-classroom applicability. But above all, IT professionals value technology that will improve learning experiences for students. Luckily, with Intune for Education, there is no sacrifice between a robust set of devices, with applications that offer impactful learning experiences to students, and a user-friendly cloud-based management system for those devices and applications. At AGORA TECH srls we want to help your school get the best of both worlds for your classroom technology.

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Anteprima pubblica dell'aggiornamento 20.01 di Azure Sphere ora disponibile

L’anteprima pubblica della release 20.01 di Azure Sphere è ora disponibile tramite il feed Retail Evaluation. Il feed Retail Evaluation[…]

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Le zone private di DNS di Azure sono ora disponibili in Azure per enti pubblici e Azure Cina

Le zone private di DNS di Azure sono ora disponibili a livello generale nelle aree di Azure per enti pubblici[…]

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Hyperledger Fabric on Azure Kubernetes Service is now in preview

Deploy and configure a Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network on Azure Kubernetes Service quickly with a new template (now in preview)[…]

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Azure Blockchain development kit for Ethereum is now generally available

The Azure Blockchain development kit, an extension for Visual Studio Code, is now generally available for download. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Spring Data Azure Cosmos DB SDK 2.2.2 release is now generally available

The latest Spring Data Azure Cosmos DB SDK 2.2.2 release, now generally available, incorporates updated diagnostics information. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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FastTrack for Azure is now generally available in Japan

FastTrack for Azure, a customer success program that helps with rapid and effective design and deployment of cloud solutions, is[…]

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