Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Modifiche agli ID contatore di Autodesk Arnold Service

A partire dal 1° marzo 2020 il prezzo e gli ID contatore di Autodesk Arnold Service subiranno alcune modifiche. Source:[…]

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Customer story: KEXP

In Seattle, music is important to so many people, and it’s safe to say the Seattle music scene wouldn’t be what it is today without KEXP. It’s important to bring people and music together, KEXP is the outlet that makes it happen. But that wouldn’t be possible without the right tools. KEXP uses Azure because they can implement the tools that suit their needs. If you need to tailor your IT infrastructure to suit your needs, don’t do it alone. At AGORA TECH srls, we’ll help you find the tools and solutions you need. Contact us today to find out more.

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Customer story: Ecolab

By 2030, global demand for water will surpass supply by 40%. Thanks to Microsoft solutions like Azure and Power BI, @Ecolob is addressing global water conversation challenges by helping customers produce better with much less water. Watch this video to discover how Power BI empowers Ecolab customers to transform massive amounts of data into simple ways of visualizing outcomes and the steps to achieve them. If you’re thinking of adopting a platform for insights and data, it’s best to enlist the help of pros. At AGORA TECH srls, we’re experts capable of helping you accomplish anything IT related. Contact us to find out more.

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Customer story: TD Bank

TD is a Canadian multinational with 85,000 employees. The bank helps their diverse workforce to self-accommodate and increase productivity with an improved computing experience. Using Microsoft 365, they are breaking down silos and bringing their workforce together. Your team can also get the most from cloud-based collaborative computing, with the help of a trusted advisor. At AGORA TECH srls, we have many years of experience helping businesses just like yours to adopt, integrate, and implement cloud technology. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

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The Unsung Volume 1: The Gripping Security Story of Microsoft 365

With more than 90% of the world’s data created in just the past few years, companies and individuals struggle to keep up with the accompanying security threats. Luckily, The Unsung are here to help. They are the IT professionals who go largely unnoticed in the backdrop of offices around the world. They are hard at work protecting our data from cybercriminals. Experience their story in this online comic, learn about the foes they faced and the tools they garnered from Microsoft 365. At AGORA TECH srls, we’re excited about the ways in which Microsoft 365 can help The Unsung within your company.

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Customer Story: Critical to curricular success – Bridgeport’s Windows 10 pilot and scale journey

Bridgeport has interwoven technology into the very fabric of their curriculum. From teacher collaboration to STEM-specific program training, Bridgeport’s magnet high schools, such as Fairchild Wheeler, are the perfect example of what a modern classroom can be. At AGORA TECH srls, we like to think of the Bridgeport story not as an ideal to be put on a pedestal, but as a reminder that modern classrooms are achievable for school districts, no matter their size. Contact us to learn more about bringing the modern classroom to your district.

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Improved query replica synchronization in Azure Analysis Services is in preview

A new Azure Analysis Services setting (in preview) improves performance and consistency of query-replica synchronization in scale-out environments. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Azure Data Factory supports loading data into Azure Synapse Analytics using COPY statement

Azure Synapse Analytics introduced a new COPY statement (preview) which provides the most flexibility for high-throughput data ingestion. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Azure App Service—SameSite cookie handling and .NET Framework 4.7.2 patch

As part of the January 2020 update to Azure App Service, .NET Framework patches that update how .NET framework apps[…]

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Azure Data Factory copy activity supports resume from last failed run

Azure Data Factory copy activity now supports resume from last failed run when you copy files between file-based data stores[…]

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Azure Data Factory supports copying data into SFTP

Azure Data Factory now supports SFTP as a sink and as a source. Use copy activity to copy data from[…]

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bring-Your-Own-Subscription Gold Images now Generally Available in Azure

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) bring-your-own-subscription (BYOS) images, also referred to as RHEL Gold images, are now generally available in[…]

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