At Axon, police body cams create 2.25 petabytes of new data every month. That’s a lot of data. That’s why Axon updated its IT infrastructure with Azure to harness the flexibility of open source to maximize functionality and scalability while keeping costs low. At AGORA TECH srls, we have years of experience helping businesses like yours implement new IT solutions. Contact us today to set up a consultation.
Leggi di piùCome si fanno passare decine di migliaia di dipendenti al lavoro remoto in una notte? Con la diffusione del COVID-19[…]
Leggi di piùAs a small business owner, we know you wear a lot of hats. One of the most difficult and yet most important is that of security manager. With threats constantly evolving, it can be stressful to embrace new technologies with confidence. Is the benefit worth the risk and headache? When you switch to Office 365, you can pass the role of security expert on to Microsoft, who use their expansive resources and experience to provide you with top-notch security that stays ahead of the latest threats all while enjoying freedom and flexibility that comes with operating your business on the cloud. Don’t delay any longer, contact us to get started.
Leggi di piùPCL Construction LLC is a 110-year-old company focused on building industrial structures. To remain relevant, they needed to embrace digital change. When constructing the Stantec Tower, the largest building outside of Toronto in Canada, the company employed a suite of sensors that sent live feedback so they could monitor progress without having to visit the 483 units under construction. You have access to the same set of capabilities as PCL. At AGORA TECH srls, we can help you leverage your IoT devices to drive transformation within your business. Contact us today to find out how we can help.
Leggi di piùGoodyear’s mission is to deliver innovative solutions that keep the world moving. But to keep their own team driving forward, they needed a solution that would help keep them connected in the dispersed operating environment they’re in today. With tools like Office 365, Goodyear can collaborate easier and faster than ever before. You can collaborate and innovate as fast as Goodyear with the right set of tools. At AGORA TECH srls, we have the industry knowledge you need to help you become more productive with a modern desktop solution. Contact us today to learn more.
Leggi di piùEvery teacher wants their students to succeed. But in a constantly evolving digital society, it can be challenging to provide students with updated digital learning tools. The Bridgeport Public Schools are ensuring that students are equal to any task by providing them with a scalable education that evolves in tandem with ever-improving technology. With the latest education technology in Windows 10, educators are ensuring that students have what they need to thrive. At AGORA TECH srls, we want to make every student story a success story.
Leggi di piùNel mese di gennaio 2020 Microsoft ha imposto TLS 1.2 per il traffico tra servizi in tutti i servizi di[…]
Leggi di piùMicrosoft Azure consiglia a tutti i clienti di completare la migrazione a soluzioni che supportano TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.2[…]
Leggi di piùPower BI include ora un set di funzionalità aggiuntive che consentono di esportare un report di Power BI usando una[…]
Leggi di piùLearn about the latest Azure Site Recovery updates and get the download links. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti
Leggi di piùAzure Cosmos DB has increased the size of logical partitions for customers to 20 GB, doubling the size from 10[…]
Leggi di piùAzure Cosmos DB accounts using shared database throughput are now limited to 25 collections per database. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]
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