Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

New Azure RTOS Collaborations with Semiconductor Industry Leaders

Embedded developers can now access reliable, real-time performance for resource-constrained devices and seamless integration to Azure IoT. STMicroelectronics, Renesas, Qualcomm,[…]

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Azure Kinect DK is now available in Japan, Germany, and the UK

Azure Kinect DK, a developer kit with advanced AI sensors for building sophisticated computer vision and speech models, is now[…]

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Azure Spot Virtual Machines are now generally available

Buy unused compute capacity at deep discounts and run interruptible workloads at scale with Azure Spot Virtual Machines. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Azure Cognitive Services—Neural Text to Speech has new voice styles

Neural Text to Speech now has new voice styles—newscast, customer service, and digital assistant. Tailor the voice of your apps[…]

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Azure SQL Database—Subnet delegation enforcement for managed instances

Beginning May 1, 2020, you’ll be able to deploy managed instances only to subnets delegated to the Microsoft.SqlmanagedInstance resource provider. […]

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FastTrack for Azure expanding to Central and Eastern Europe

FastTrack for Azure is extending program support to Central and Eastern Europe*, and is now generally available. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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IPv6 for Azure Virtual Network is now generally available

IPv6 for Azure Virtual Network is now generally available worldwide. IPv6 support within the Azure Virtual Network and to the[…]

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Azure Advisor data in Azure Resource Graph is now available

This release enables many at-scale scenarios for consuming the Azure Advisor best practice recommendations, including querying Advisor recommendations for all[…]

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Azure Ultra Disks—Shared disk capability is now in preview

Shared disks now includes Ultra Disks (in preview). Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Server-side encryption with customer-managed keys for Azure Managed Disks in GA now

Server-side encryption with customer-managed keys for Azure Managed Disks is now available. It improves on platform-managed keys by giving you[…]

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Azure Managed Disks—Incremental snapshots are now available

Get a cost-effective, point-in-time backup of managed disks using incremental snapshots. Unlike current snapshots, which are billed for the full[…]

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New Azure Disk sizes and bursting support are now available

Azure Managed Disks are the new and recommended disk storage offering for use with Azure virtual machines for persistent storage[…]

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