Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Web Application Firewall with Azure Front Door service now supports exclusion lists

Web Application Firewall exclusion lists allow you to omit certain request attributes from a rule evaluation. Use them to fine[…]

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Vulnerability scanning for images in Azure Container Registry is now generally available

Vulnerability scanning for images stored in Azure Container Registry is now generally available in Azure Security Center. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Azure Security Center supports integration with Azure Monitor alerts

Configure Azure Monitor log alert rules for recommendations and alerts exported from Security Center by taking advantage of Security Center’s[…]

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Improved resource governance for Azure Analysis Services

Today, we are excited to announce the release of two enhancements concerning the memory governance options of Azure Analysis Services.[…]

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Il livello Gratuito di Azure Cosmos DB è ora disponibile

Iniziare a usare il nostro servizio è più facile che mai con il nuovo livello Gratuito di Azure Cosmos DB.[…]

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Il nostro impegno nei confronti dei clienti durante la pandemia COVID-19

Con la diffusione del COVID-19 e il relativo impatto sulle persone e sui paesi a livello globale, i team di tutto[…]

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Azure Site Recovery mobility service automated deployment using JetPatch

Automate the Azure Site Recovery Mobility service deployment using JetPatch. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure IoT Python SDK v2—New improvements are now available

Azure IoT Python SDK v2 has just been released with major new improvements. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Automatic instance repairs for Azure virtual machine scale sets now in preview

Azure virtual machine scale sets now provide the capability to automatically repair unhealthy instances based on application health status. Source:[…]

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NDv2-Series VMs are now Generally Available

NDv2 GPU VMs for high-end deep learning training and HPC workloads are going GA in East US, South Central US,[…]

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NVv4-Series VMs are now Generally Available

We are announcing general availability of NVv4 Virtual Machines. NVv4 VMs are designed to provide you unprecedented GPU resourcing flexibility.[…]

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Backup Reports is now in preview

Azure Backup has released a new and improved reporting solution in public preview. With Backup Reports, you can now gain[…]

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