Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure Sphere update 20.04 is now available for compatibility testing

The Azure Sphere update 20.04 is now available via the retail evaluation feed, which is meant for backwards compatibility testing.[…]

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Azure Monitor Logs new create workspace experience

Collect and analyze logs from your Azure estate using the power and flexibility of Azure Monitor Logs. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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I log di Analisi archiviazione per Azure Data Lake Storage sono ora disponibili a livello generale

La diagnosi di Azure Data Lake Storage è ora più semplice grazie ai log di Analisi archiviazione. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Enhance student learning with a modern classroom

US primary schools that embrace digitally enabled learning report a 30% increase in competency scores. Technology holds the key to transforming the student experience. With built-in, easy-to-use accessibility tools, you can help streamline student-teacher interaction and enable students to personalize their learning environment to suit individual needs. So much can be accomplished by integrating the right solutions. At AGORA TECH srls, we want to help you do just that. Contact us today to learn more about the tools you can leverage to increase your students’ learning experience.

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When support for Windows 7 and Office 365 ends, outdated file sharing methods and skyrocketing numbers of devices and apps may put customers’ sensitive data at risk. How do you stay current and secure? #GetModern with AGORA TECH srls and Microsoft! Subscribe now to discover how you can increase productivity, enhance security and reduce costs with #Windows 10 and #Office365.

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Customer Story: Calgary Board of Education

At Vincent Massey School, teachers are trying to provide the spark that takes a student from passive to active learner, and they’re doing it with technology. With tech, teachers can give students a more personalized experience and offer more ways to explore the curriculum. In the past, teachers needed multiple devices to teach effectively. Now, with solutions like Windows 10 and Office 365, teachers can get more done on one platform. At AGORA TECH srls, we want your teachers to have the tools that bring their classrooms to the modern digital age. Contact us today to learn more on how we can help.

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Customer Story: Think Up Consulting

Looking to accelerate your small business? Discover how @thinkingup streamlines internal processes, enhances security and reduces costs with #Office365 on #Windows 10 devices. With a focus on brand strategy, change management and strategic consulting, Think Up helps global brands make deep, lasting connections with customers. Discover how Office 365 streamlines internal collaboration to dramatically increase productivity, enabling the company to achieve more. #GetModern with AGORA TECH srls and Microsoft.

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Update self-hosted integration runtime nodes to TLS 1.2 by May 11, 2020

Update your servers/machines running self-hosted integration runtimes that communicate with the Azure Data Factory backend for control plane actions to[…]

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Azure IoT SDK for Python—Significant connection resiliency improvements now available

A new version of Azure IoT Python SDK v2 is now available that focuses on improved connection resiliency of the[…]

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The preview version of Event Hubs on Azure Stack Hub is now available

The preview version of Event Hubs is now available on Azure Stack Hub. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Machine Learning available in US Gov

Azure Machine Learning is now available in US Gov Virginia and US Gov Arizona. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Direct Upload of Azure Managed Disks is Generally Available

Direct upload of Azure Managed Disks provides a simplified workflow for uploading an on-premises VHD directly into an empty managed[…]

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