Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Inoltro di Azure – Il supporto di Collegamento privato di Azure per i client mittente è ora disponibile in anteprima

Grazie a questa release in anteprima, il traffico tra il client mittente di Inoltro in esecuzione all’interno della rete virtuale[…]

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Centro sicurezza di Azure – Novità e aggiornamenti per il mese di maggio 2020

Visualizza l’elenco di miglioramenti e aggiornamenti apportati al Centro sicurezza di Azure nel mese di maggio 2020. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Azure Blob versioning public preview now available

As the next step to enhance data management and protection, we are excited to announce the Blob storage versioning preview. […]

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Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 PowerShell and CLI are now generally available

Use PowerShell and Azure CLI filesystem semantics for operations on Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 filesystems, directories and files. Source:[…]

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Azure Private Link is now available for multiple new Azure services

Azure Private Link now supports multiple new Azure services in general availability and preview. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Pipelines YAML CD features are now available with Azure DevOps update

Azure Pipelines YAML CD features are now available with the latest Azure DevOps update, plus more improvements to the Azure[…]

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Azure IoT Central—April 2020 new features

April 2020 new features in Azure IoT Central are now available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure IoT Central—April 2020 updates

April 2020 feature updates in Azure IoT Central are now available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Monitor for Containers is moving the health feature to limited preview

The health feature of Azure Monitor for Containers (currently in public preview) is moving to limited preview by the end[…]

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Azure Automation TLS 1.2 enforcement begins September 1, 2020

Beginning September 1, 2020, Azure Automation will enforce transport layer security (TLS) 1.2 or later versions for all external HTTPS[…]

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Azure Sphere update 20.05 is now available for compatibility testing

Azure Sphere update 20.05 is now available for evaluation via the retail evaluation feed. The retail evaluation period provides 14[…]

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Private endpoints for Azure Storage are now generally available in the Azure Government region

Private endpoints for Azure Storage are now generally available in the Azure Government region. Private endpoints provide secure connectivity to[…]

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