Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Il supporto di Database di Azure per MySQL per Prestazioni intelligenti con MySQL 8.0 è ora disponibile

Supporto di Prestazioni intelligenti per MySQL 8.0 ora disponibile. Puoi usare questo set di funzionalità per migliorare la comprensione dei[…]

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Improved Azure Monitor Logs workspace delete and recovery experiences

Workspace soft-delete functionality has been added to help you recover your workspace if necessary. In that situation, the workspace goes[…]

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Azure Private Link for Azure Monitor is now available

Azure Private Link now supports multiple new Azure services in general availability and preview. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Object replication public preview for Azure Blob storage

Object replication allows you to replicate your block blob data at the blob level from one storage account to another[…]

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Change feed with full database operations for Azure Cosmos DB

Preview support for Azure Cosmos DB change feed with full database operations history will be available in the coming months.[…]

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Azure Stream Analytics now supports error codes in activity and resource logs

Azure Stream Analytics now supports the use of activity logs and resource logs for troubleshooting errors related to configuration, data,[…]

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Serverless pricing model for Azure Cosmos DB

The serverless pricing model for Azure Cosmos DB is ideal for spiky workloads that don’t need sustained throughput. Serverless requires[…]

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Point-in-time-restore (PITR) for Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB backup and restore capabilities will be enhanced with the addition of point-in-time-restore (PITR) in preview in the[…]

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Azure Media Services is now available in Switzerland and Germany

Announcing the general availability of Media Services in Switzerland (North and West) and Germany (North, West Central) regions. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Why a modern IT infrastructure is the cornerstone of data-driven enterprises

Updates to your IT infrastructure might not be the most glamorous change you can do for your business, but it’s certainly one of the most important. When you update your IT networks, data management resources, and analytics tools, you’re creating a solid foundation upon which the rest of your IT solutions will function. A strong IT infrastructure paves the way for expansion into next-generation resources like AI. At AGORA TECH srls, we can help you find the right solutions to create a solid IT infrastructure. Contact us today to learn more about how our experienced professionals can help.

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Encouraging and enabling collaboration in modern workplace

IT shouldn’t be a bottleneck for collaboration, yet it happens more often than you think. It’s easy to fall into a gatekeeper mindset, but as professionals, it’s important to remember the mission of your IT department. As an IT pro, your role should be to enable and support your fellow employees. Adopting a facilitator mindset can benefit the productivity of workers and the firm. At AGORA TECH srls, we want you to have the right platform to match your mindset. Let’s chat about the best ways to get you started.

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4 ways AI helps business protect the environment

The world we live in is extremely complex. With so many moving parts, it can be difficult to know what steps to take to protect the environment, even for businesses with the best intentions. Luckily, AI is giving us a way to understand our environmental impact holistically and in real time. At AGORA TECH srls, we believe that AI can have a positive impact on more than just your bottom line. Contact us to learn more about how you can use AI to reduce your own impact on the environment.

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