Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Web Application Firewall for Azure Front Door service logging enhancements

Azure Web Application Firewall for Azure Front Door now has a match details field in the logs to provide insights[…]

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System topics are now an Azure resource

Explicitly create system topics using Azure Event Grid. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Private AKS clusters are now generally available in Azure Government

Azure Government customers can now use private AKS clusters for additional security. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Migrate—Assessment of imported servers is now generally available

Assessment of imported servers in Azure Migrate is now generally available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Monitoraggio di Azure per i contenitori supporta ora la raccolta di log nei pool di nodi Windows del servizio Azure Kubernetes (in anteprima)

A partire dalla versione ciprod05262020 dell’agente, Monitoraggio di Azure per i contenitori raccoglierà i log (std/stderr) per i contenitori in[…]

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New Azure Virtual Machines for general purpose and memory intensive workloads now in preview

The new D v4-series and E v4-series Azure Virtual Machines feature the Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8272CL custom processor, which can[…]

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Azure Quota REST APIs to manage service limits (quota) are now available in preview

Use Azure REST Quota APIs to manage the service limits (quota) of Azure Virtual Machines (cores/vCPU) and Azure Machine Learning[…]

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Azure Sphere OS update 20.06 is now available for compatibility testing

The Azure Sphere OS quality update 20.06 is now available for evaluation via the retail evaluation feed. The release includes[…]

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Azure IoT Central jobs and metrics feature updates—May 2020

May 2020 jobs and metrics feature updates for Azure IoT Central are now available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Budgets in Cost Management now accounts threshold edits and alert limits above 100%

Budget evaluations in Azure Cost Management now re-fire alerts for the same period after you edit a budget. Additionally, now[…]

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Analisi di video live ora in anteprima pubblica

Analisi di video live è una piattaforma per acquisire, registrare e analizzare video live e pubblicare i risultati (video e/o[…]

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Aggiornamenti di Gestione API di Azure – Giugno 2020

Il 10 giugno 2020 è stato avviato un aggiornamento normale del servizio Gestione API di Azure che include nuove funzionalità,[…]

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