Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Scalabilità automatica di Azure disponibile a livello generale nelle aree Cina settentrionale 2 e Cina orientale 2

Scalabilità automatica di Azure, che ti permette di gestire automaticamente le risorse in base al carico, è ora disponibile nelle[…]

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Azure Monitor Community Repository is now available

Today we’re launching the Azure Monitor Community Repository, which provides a collaborative space for community members to share and explore[…]

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Azure Monitor Log Analytics Quick Start content is moving to the Overview page

In order to simplify and streamline Azure Monitor Logs, we’re moving all links and content from the Quick Start page[…]

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Remote Desktop client for Android now supports Windows Virtual Desktop connections

Access Windows Virtual Desktop from the new Remote Desktop client for Android. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Sphere update 20.07 is now available

The 20.07 feature release contains new features for application development and tenant certificate renewal, additional promotions of beta features to[…]

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Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service VNET ingress support is now available

Azure IoT Device Provisioning Service (DPS) has released general availability support for Virtual Networks (VNET). Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Data Explorer Streaming Ingestion is generally available

The Streaming Ingestion feature can be used when you need Near Real Time (less than 10 seconds) ingestion with small[…]

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Azure HDInsight now supports virtual network service endpoint policies

Azure HDInsight now supports virtual network service endpoint policies, which allow you to filter HDInsight egress virtual network traffic to[…]

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IoT Plug and Play new features now in public preview

IoT Plug and Play new features in Public Preview to continue simplifying IoT. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Windows Virtual Desktop Azure portal and Microsoft Teams integrations are generally available

It’s now easier to deploy and manage Windows Virtual Desktop as well as provide seamless meeting and collaboration experiences through[…]

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Migrate to the new version of the Azure Time Series Insights Gen2 APIs

Read about the process for migrating onto the new generally available API version for Time Series Insights Gen2. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Azure Backup locally redundant storage (LRS) and geo-redundant storage (GRS) data stored meter ID changes

Effective September 1, 2020, the meter IDs of Azure Backup—LRS and GRS data stored will change in the ZA West[…]

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