Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

GDPR is here — are you ready?

Digital disruption is changing the landscape making data privacy a fundamental right. How ready is your organization to comply with GDPR? Check out this infographic to learn about Microsoft’s 3-step approach to GDPR. A Microsoft partner, AGORA TECH srls can help you secure your IT environment and achieve compliance with Microsoft 365.

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Customer story: iSalon

For @iSalon, making the move to #Microsoft365Business was a no-brainer. In fact, the IT department at @iSalon identified the superior data-loss prevention tools from Microsoft 365 as a game-changer for the company. In addition to protecting customer #data and simplifying IT management, @iSalon has already seen a positive impact on its bottom line since adopting Microsoft 365 Business. Our team at AGORA TECH srls can help you increase security measures and grow your business. Contact us to learn more.

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Azure Private Link support in Azure Data Factory now available

Azure Data Factory (ADF) now supports Azure Private Link. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Blob versioning is now general available

Azure storage strives to protect your business critial data from any accident or attack. We are excited to announce the general availability of […]

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Azure Container Registry now available in UAE Central region

Azure Container Registry is now generally available in the UAE Central region, bringing the total number of Azure regions that[…]

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Azure Container Registry now available in Switzerland West region

Azure Container Registry is now generally available in the Switzerland West region, bringing the total number of Azure regions that[…]

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Windows Virtual Desktop is now available in the Azure Government cloud (in preview)

Get started today with Windows Virtual Desktop in public preview in US Government regions. Deploy and scale Windows desktops and[…]

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Upcoming changes to Standard Public IPs and Standard Load Balancers

The zone related behavior in Standard Public IP address and Standard Load Balancer is being changed. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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Stream Analytics now can be run on Azure Stack Hub

Azure Stream Analytics is now available on Azure Stack Hub via IoT Edge Runtime. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Upcoming billing changes to Azure Bastion

Azure Bastion to start billing in Azure US Gov Zone 1. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Configure upstream source for universal Packages with Azure Artifacts

This feature will add the ability to configure your Azure Artifacts feeds to automatically download Universal Packages from upstream sources[…]

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Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 access control list recursive update in public preview

Set, update, or remove access control lists (ACLs) recursively for existing Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 directories and files. Source:[…]

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