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Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Public preview: Up to 10 read replicas for MySQL – Flexible Server

Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server enables read-heavy workloads to scale out and be balanced across replica servers according[…]

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Register Your Azure SQL Virtual Machines with SQL Server IaaS Agent extension today

By simply checking a box, you can automatically register all existing and future SQL Server VMs in your subscription to[…]

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We’re retiring Azure SQL DB Import-Export Direct Endpoints on 31 October 2023

Start using Azure Resource Manager REST APIs. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Auditing of Microsoft support operations in Azure SQL DB and Azure SQL MI

The auditing of Microsoft support operations capability enables the audit of Microsoft support operations when accessing servers and/or databases during[…]

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Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Single Server now available in Brazil Southeast

The preview support in the Brazil Southeast region provides additional flexibility in deploying solutions to help accelerate innovation. Source: Microsoft[…]

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General Availability: Azure Kubernetes Service support for proximity placement groups

Co-locate agent nodes and minimize node-to-node latency with AKS support for proximity placement groups. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Creating World-Class Collaboration In A Global Team

“Create a culture of empathy,” says Kim DeLine, COO for live streaming company Elevate K-12. Check out this Forbes article where she shares successful strategies on getting along, building engagement, and celebrating differences in your distributed workforce. Microsoft Teams provides a single solution to connect across geography and organizational boundaries. You have tools to communicate internal announcements, hold online meetings, and foster that culture of learning and shared knowledge that gets results. Contact AGORA TECH srls to build your team with Microsoft!

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Good Decision Making Requires Good Data

In a world full of data, how often do you wonder if you’re measuring the right thing? It’s a trial and error process and “Accurate data is king,” according to George Deeb of Red Rock Ventures in this Entrepreneur article. With Power BI’s drag and drop data exploration and Microsoft’s new AI Builder you can quickly and easily explore your data and adjust your focus. Get the insights you need to build your company’s success!

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Community support for PHP 7.4 is ending on 28 November 2022

App Service support for PHP 7.4 on Windows is ending on 28 November 2022. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Red Hat OpenShift 3.11 will be retired on 30 June 2022

Start using Azure Red Hat OpenShift on OpenShift 4. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Legacy developer portal in Azure API Management will retire on 31 October 2023

Start using the new developer portal in Azure API Management. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Action Required: Update to Data Science Virtual Machine Ubuntu 18.04

Migrate to Data Science Virtual Machine – Ubuntu 18.04 Image. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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