Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

General availability: Built-in Azure Policy support for Network Watcher Traffic Analytics

Traffic Analytics can now be enabled using Built-in Azure Policy, thus improving your deployment experience. Now organizations can enforce org[…]

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General availability: Python Functions now support custom telemetry in Application Insights

Azure Monitor is releasing a new PyPI package that expands distributed tracing support in Application Insights for Python Functions. Source:[…]

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Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server Auto-grow storage in public preview

With auto-grow storage enabled, your storage automatically grows when storage consumed on the Flexible Server is nearing its provisioned limit. […]

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Public preview: Azure App Service Migration Assistant PowerShell-based experience

The PowerShell-based experience for the Azure App Service Migration Assistant is now in public preview. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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By moving to the cloud, enterprises can provide their infrastructure with future-proof ecosystems that support applications, websites, and services to help them meet their business goals and objectives. Follow AGORA TECH srls to gain key insights into how cloud technology is changing modern businesses and how Microsoft #Azure is providing organizations with a competitive edge in the digital age.

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Airlines, among other major industries, confident with Teams as its hub

For many businesses, lost time is lost money. An Air Traffic Controller whose team utilizes Microsoft Teams acknowledged, “Every moment an aircraft is grounded is revenue loss for the company. My job is to keep the flights running on time.” Whether the task is to monitor and direct the aircraft on the ground and in the air, issue landing and take-off instructions to pilots, or alert airport response staff in case of emergencies—airport staff need to be confident in the tools they use. @MicrosoftTeams provides that confidence.

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ANU: Collaborative research and data sharing

Open source software and open sharing have become crucial tools for modern scientific research. Bigger datasets require faster algorithms to analyze them, and sharing data allows researchers to avoid siloed pipelines, as well as validate their findings more quickly. Learn how Australian National University is empowering its genome researchers by leveraging digital collaboration tools powered by Microsoft #Azure to drive faster breakthroughs.

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Azure VMware Solution now generally available in the Canada East region

Azure VMware Solution has expanded availability to Canada East. With this release Canada East is now the second region within[…]

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Public preview: IoT Edge Metrics Collector module 1.0.1 release

This update provides security and reliability improvements, and support for government and regional clouds. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Announcing the Azure Firewall Premium general availability

Utilize next-generation firewall capabilities in Azure Firewall Premium Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Scan and view lineage of data stored in Erwin Mart, Google BigQuery and Looker using Azure Purview

Azure Purview now supports automated scanning from Erwin, BigQuery and Looker soureces to extract schema and lineage between data. Source:[…]

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Shared disks on Azure Disk Storage are now generally available on all Premium SSD and Standard SSD sizes

Shared disks can now be leveraged on smaller Premium SSDs from 4GiB to 128 GiB and all Standard SSDs from[…]

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