Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

General availability: Azure Sphere OS version 22.01 expected on Jan 26

Participate in the retail evaluation now to ensure full compatibility. The OS evaluation period provides 14 days for backward compatibility[…]

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Announcing price reductions for Azure confidential computing

Lower prices for Azure confidential computing virtual machines Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Azure Static Web Apps enterprise-grade edge

Extend your Static Web App with a zero-config enterprise-grade edge powered by Azure Front Door. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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3 modi per reinventare il personale in prima linea con l'aiuto della tecnologia

I due miliardi di dipendenti in prima linea, che rappresentano l’80% della forza lavoro mondiale, hanno superato i rischi, l’esaurimento[…]

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Our approach to responsible AI

Is your AI technology improving lives? New technologies can have inadvertent effects on people in society. Watch this #Microsoft video to see why it is important to consider whether new AI technologies align with people’s values and ethics.

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Shipping company navigates to the cloud, boosts security, cuts operating costs by 50%

What started with better employee email led to a digital transformation with #Microsoft solutions for #Nakilat -boosting security and reducing operating costs by 50%. See the full story in the video below.

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General availability: Multiple custom BGP APIPA addresses for active VPN gateways

Get more flexibility for your on-premises BGP connections to Azure and create BGP-enabled VPN connections between Azure and other cloud[…]

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Predictive Analytics

AI represents a growing opportunity to transform your business. This infographic illustrates how Microsoft has turned its AI breakthroughs into ongoing momentum with predictive analytics, the responsible way. Contact us today to gain visibility into your models, explain model behavior, and detect and mitigate unfairness.

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Microsoft Threat Protection stops attack sprawl and auto-heals enterprise assets with built-in intelligence and automation

.#Microsoft #ThreatProtection stops attack sprawl and auto heals enterprise assets with built-in intelligence and automation. MTP provides the built in intelligence, automation, and integration to coordinate protection, detection, response, and prevention. Read on for more.

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Microsoft accelerates telco transformation

If security and agility are critical to your operation, the Microsoft cloud can deliver trust-based environments where customers own their data. Collaboration on these types of solutions and services can help take your business to the next level. Learn how we can work together to redefine your digital business and create secure next-level platforms.

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Strengthening connection with remote communities with Windows 365

The coordination of moving employees around to better serve the people in remote areas of Nunavut, Canada, and provisioning hardware for remote, nontechnical staff was challenging for IT—even before the challenges of Covid-19. Now, with Windows 365, Nunavut deploys virtual endpoints to an employee’s device using Microsoft Endpoint Manager. As a result, the government can support both organization owned and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) models, and it can get users up and running with personalized, highly secure cloud PC service.

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The power of AI comes with a powerful responsibility

Are you prepared for the future of AI? Read this article to learn how industry leaders are building a workplace culture with #Microsoft that embeds organizational values into every aspect of their AI strategy.

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