Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

General availability: Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Hyperscale (Citus) additional regions available

Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Hyperscale (Citus) is now available in the Central US, South Central US, West Central US,[…]

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Generally available: Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Hyperscale (Citus) new certifications

New compliance certifications are now available on Azure Database for PostgreSQL – Hyperscale (Citus), a managed service running the open-source[…]

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Public preview: Azure Tables extension for Azure Functions

Azure Functions has an updated Tables extension, now in its own NuGet package Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Generally available: Virtual Machine level disk bursting supports additional VM types

Handle unforeseen disk traffic spikes smoothly without the need to overprovision your virtual machine with virtual machine level disk bursting. […]

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General availability: Developer portal widget for embedding custom HTML code

Use custom HTML code widget to extend developer portal’s functionality. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: App Service Environment v3 Migration Feature

Migration guidance allows you to move to App Service Environment v3 and take advantage of refreshed infrastructure, better performance, and[…]

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Generally available: Alert processing rules in Azure Monitor

Alert processing rules (formerly action rules) provide post-processing capabilities for fired alerts in Azure Monitor. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Azure Monitor predictive autoscale for Azure virtual machine scale sets

Predictive autoscale for Azure virtual machine scale sets can manage and scale your virtual machine scale sets by observing and[…]

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Public preview: Kubernetes v1.23 support in AKS

Take advantage of new features in Kubernetes v1.23. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Cloud Migration Essentials: A guide to migrating servers and virtual machines

Migrating to the cloud can require careful IT planning and strategy. Learn how to approach your cloud migration, assess your servers, virtual machines and applications, confidently execute your migration, and optimize your cloud services. Download the Cloud Migration Essentials eBook from Azure and contact AGORA TECH srls to learn more.

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Modernize Endpoints A Zero Trust approach

Microsoft Zero Trust is a security model built on Microsoft intelligent security cloud and endpoint leadership. Remediation (with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint integration) and device configurations optimized for Zero Trust are all part of the journey. With the Zero Trust approach, you build a solid foundation with policy enforcement that has context about people and endpoints. Review the infographic for a breakdown and get a link to sign up for an Endpoint Management workshop.

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Breakthrough teamwork tools: 4 tips to identify what works for you

As a business leader, you need to make sure your organization provides collaboration tools that suit different personalities, skillsets, and needs. Microsoft Teams—the hub of teamwork within Office 365—is built for teamwork, and for fostering a new level of creativity and collaboration within your diverse workforce. Check out this guide and learn 4 tips on what teamwork tools should empower you to do with Teams. To learn more, subscribe now!

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