Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Public preview: Schedule automated emails of your saved cost views

Subscribe to daily, weekly, or monthly updates of your saved cost views in Azure Cost Management to stay informed about[…]

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General availability: SOAP and XML request and response validation

Minimize API attack surface for SOAP or XML- based REST APIs with custom schemas in addition to the schemas specified[…]

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Public preview: Azure Percept DK February (2202) software update

The Azure Percept February update includes fixes related to security. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure IoT Central generally available in South Central US and Canada Central

You can now use Azure IoT Central in South Central (United States) and Canada Central (Canada) to build reliable, scalable,[…]

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Generally available: Specify API language runtime version in Azure Static Web Apps

Configuration file now allows you to specify version for supported API language runtimes. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Azure Synapse Link for Azure Cosmos DB partitioning Spark 3.1

Use Azure Synapse Spark 3.1 to partition your Azure Cosmos DB data in analytical store for improved query performance. Source:[…]

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Azure SQL—General availability updates for early March 2022

Public preview enhancements and updates released for Azure SQL. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure SQL—Public preview updates for early March 2022

Public preview enhancements and updates released for Azure SQL. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: SKU recommendation in Azure SQL Migration extension – Azure Data Studio

Use the new SKU recommendation support in the Azure SQL Migration extension in Azure Data Studio for Azure SQL Managed[…]

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Public preview: Enhancements to Azure Form Recognizer for Azure Applied AI Services

Azure Form Recognizer now supports extraction from custom documents, W-2 forms, access to the read API, additional human languages and[…]

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Generally available: Azure Backup protects Azure Files snapshots via lease feature integration

Azure Backup now acquires a lease on the snapshots taken by scheduled/on-demand backup jobs. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Find lightning fast innovation, elastic scalability, cost savings, and better performance​

@Windows .NET has a wealth of resources addressing key security concepts and shared responsibility within the cloud. To find more resources to help you write more secure codes and learn how workload responsibilities are divided, subscribe now.

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