Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Introducing the latest ESG innovations with Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability

We launched Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability in June 2022 with a commitment to help our customers create their own operational[…]

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General availability: Azure Queue Storage SDK for Go

The new Azure Queue Storage SDK is now generally available for Go, allowing developers to build Go apps that can[…]

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Expanding horizons—Microsoft Security’s continued commitment to multicloud

Multicloud strategies have become the new norm for most enterprises, with more than 90 percent of organizations adopting multiple cloud[…]

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General availability: Azure Blob Storage SDK for Go

The new Azure Blob Storage SDK is now generally available for Go, allowing developers to build Go apps that interact[…]

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General availability: Azure Event Hubs SDK for Go

The new Azure Event Hubs SDK is now generally available for Go, allowing developers to build Go apps that send[…]

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Public Preview:  Azure NetApp Files Availability zone volume placement enhancement – Populate existing volume

Populate previously deployed, existing volumes with the logical availability zone information to enable failure domain protection for workloads in specific[…]

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Cadet Blizzard emerges as a novel and distinct Russian threat actor

As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues into its second year and Microsoft continues to collaborate with global partners in response,[…]

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Public preview: Improve Win32 app security via app isolation

The post Public preview: Improve Win32 app security via app isolation appeared first on Microsoft Security Blog. Source: Microsoft[…]

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General availability: Azure HX Virtual Machines for HPC

HX-series VMs for HPC are now generally available in the Azure East US region. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General availability: Azure HX Virtual Machines for HPC

HX-series VMs for HPC are now generally available in the Azure East US region. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General availability: Azure HBv4 Virtual Machines for HPC

HBv4-series VMs for HPC are now generally available in the Azure East US region. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General availability: Azure HBv4 Virtual Machines for HPC

HBv4-series VMs for HPC are now generally available in the Azure East US region. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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