Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Microsoft 365 / Office

Proposal Manager for financial services helps increase proposal win rates

The commercial and corporate lending environment is increasingly competitive and squeezing interest margins for banks and lenders. Bank lending teams[…]

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John Wiley & Sons reinvents its digital culture with the Microsoft Cloud

Today’s post was written by Pete Sattler, senior vice president and CIO at John Wiley & Sons. As we watch[…]

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New to Microsoft 365 in June—streamlining teamwork and security

This month, we introduced several new capabilities that improve user experience, streamline the management of common tasks, and enhance identity-driven[…]

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Novità di giugno per Microsoft 365: semplificare il lavoro in team e la sicurezza

Questo mese abbiamo introdotto diverse nuove funzionalità per migliorare l’esperienza utente, semplificare la gestione delle attività comuni e ottimizzare le[…]

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Gli aggiornamenti di Adobe Document Cloud introducono servizi PDF integrati in Office 365

Lo scorso settembre abbiamo ampliato la nostra partnership strategica con Adobe per focalizzarci sulle integrazioni tra Adobe Sign e i[…]

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Updates to Adobe Document Cloud bring integrated PDF services to Office 365

Last September, we expanded our strategic partnership with Adobe to focus on integrations between Adobe Sign and Office 365 products[…]

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Daily planning made simple with Emily Ley

Emily Ley believes perfect is overrated. When life gets overly busy, rather than strive in vain to check every box[…]

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Power and simplicity—updates to the Office 365 user experience

Technology is changing the way people get things done. We’ve picked up the pace. Our work is more collaborative. And[…]

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Potenza e semplicità: aggiornamenti dell’esperienza utente di Office 365

La tecnologia sta cambiando il nostro modo di fare le cose. Abbiamo accelerato i ritmi. Lavoriamo di più in collaborazione.[…]

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Simplifying IT with the latest updates from Windows Autopilot

With Windows Autopilot, our goal is to simplify deployment of new Windows 10 devices by eliminating the cost and complexity[…]

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Semplificare l’IT con gli ultimi aggiornamenti di Windows Autopilot

Con Windows Autopilot, il nostro obiettivo è semplificare la distribuzione di dispositivi Windows 10 eliminando la complessità e i costi[…]

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New white paper shows how companies can thrive with an evolving workplace

In a recent study produced in partnership with Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, more than three-quarters of business leaders said[…]

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