Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability: Run your carbon fee program with new capabilities

As organizations strive to achieve net-zero carbon emissions, they need powerful tools and strategies to drive reductions faster. The new[…]

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Public preview: Announcing the new Azure Bastion Developer SKU

The Bastion Developer SKU represents a novel, cost-effective, and streamlined version of the Bastion service. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Announcing the new Azure Bastion Developer SKU

The Bastion Developer SKU represents a novel, cost-effective, and streamlined version of the Bastion service. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Announcing the new Azure Bastion Developer SKU

The Bastion Developer SKU represents a novel, cost-effective, and streamlined version of the Bastion service. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Announcing the new Azure Bastion Developer SKU

The Bastion Developer SKU represents a novel, cost-effective, and streamlined version of the Bastion service. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Announcing the new Azure Bastion Developer SKU

The Bastion Developer SKU represents a novel, cost-effective, and streamlined version of the Bastion service. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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New E-mail templates for Log search alerts – API version 2021-08-01 and up

During November, we will replace log search alerts (API version 2021-08-01 and up) that uses non-common schema template with an[…]

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New E-mail templates for Log search alerts – API version 2021-08-01 and up

During November, we will replace log search alerts (API version 2021-08-01 and up) that uses non-common schema template with an[…]

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New E-mail templates for Log search alerts – API version 2021-08-01 and up

During November, we will replace log search alerts (API version 2021-08-01 and up) that uses non-common schema template with an[…]

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New E-mail templates for Log search alerts – API version 2021-08-01 and up

During November, we will replace log search alerts (API version 2021-08-01 and up) that uses non-common schema template with an[…]

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New E-mail templates for Log search alerts – API version 2021-08-01 and up

During November, we will replace log search alerts (API version 2021-08-01 and up) that uses non-common schema template with an[…]

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Generally available: Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier support on Blob Batch operations

Azure Blob Batch operations now support Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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