Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

New Microsoft Incident Response guides help security teams analyze suspicious activity

Today Microsoft Incident Response are proud to introduce two one-page guides to help security teams investigate suspicious activity in Microsoft[…]

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General Availability: Azure MySQL Import feature for Azure Database for MySQL Single to Flexible Server migrations

Easily migrate your Azure Database for MySQL – Single Server workloads to Azure Database for MySQL – Flexible Server with[…]

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Public preview: Partition merge now supports shared throughput databases

You can now merge partitions in Azure Cosmos DB on shared throughput databases. Merging partitions allows you to reduce the[…]

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New TTPs observed in Mint Sandstorm campaign targeting high-profile individuals at universities and research orgs

Since November 2023, Microsoft has observed a distinct subset of Mint Sandstorm (PHOSPHORUS) targeting high-profile individuals working on Middle Eastern[…]

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General Availability: Azure Virtual Network encryption

Azure Virtual Network encryption is a feature of Azure Virtual Networks. Virtual network encryption allows you to seamlessly encrypt and[…]

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Unified security operations with Microsoft Sentinel and Microsoft Defender XDR

Numerous cybersecurity tools exist to help organizations protect their data, people, and systems. There are different tools that check emails[…]

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COP28: Expediting sustainability progress and growth with innovation and partnership

With COP28 2023 behind us and a sweeping energy transition on the horizon, I want to take a moment to[…]

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Microsoft is named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Endpoint Protection Platforms

It’s no secret that ransomware is top of mind for many chief information security officers (CISOs) as the number of[…]

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General Availability: Customer-managed keys for Azure NetApp Files volume encryption

Azure NetApp Files volumes supports encryption with customer-managed keys (CMK), using Azure Key Vault for key storage, to enable an[…]

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Announcing Public Preview of the Azure Arc Visual Studio Code Extension

Learn more about the Public Preview of the new Azure Arc Visual Studio Code Extension. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Microsoft introduces new capabilities that help retailers bring AI to the shopper journey and enhance store associate experiences

Retail is one of the most dynamic and competitive industries in the world, where customer expectations and preferences are constantly[…]

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Microsoft Cloud for Retail unlocks a new level of productivity with AI

AI technologies are revolutionizing how retailers operate, engage with customers, and optimize their business. With improved efficiencies, reduced costs, and[…]

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