Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

New in November—save time, stay secure, and do more

Today’s post was written by Kirk Koenigsbauer, corporate vice president for the Office team. Earlier this month, we announced the[…]

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Accelerating business in a digital financial market—KeyBank trusts Microsoft 365

Today’s post was written by Ron Markezich, corporate vice president for Microsoft. To say that KeyBank is growing is an[…]

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Microsoft 365 helps businesses increase trust and innovation through compliance with Compliance Manager Preview

Today’s post was written by Ron Markezich, corporate vice president for Microsoft. The evolution of technology and cloud innovation are[…]

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Henkel advances digital transformation journey with move to Office 365 E5

[embedded content] Today’s post about Office 365 was written by Markus Petrak, corporate director at Henkel. Henkel is looking at[…]

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Sutter Health moves to Office 365 to help strengthen patient care

Today’s post was written by Wes Wright, corporate CTO for Sutter Health. In our industry, the less time our employees[…]

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Bringing AI to job seekers with Resume Assistant in Word, powered by LinkedIn

Today’s post was written by Bryan Goode, general manager for Office 365. Today, at LinkedIn’s headquarters in San Francisco, we[…]

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Grow your small business with business apps from Office 365

Today, we announced that Microsoft Connections, Microsoft Listings, Microsoft Invoicing, and the Office 365 Business center are now generally available[…]

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Prodotti connessi la frontiera dell’innovazione

Mille oggetti connessi ora, che l’anno prossimo potrebbero quadruplicare. Internet delle cose per WebRatio non è il futuro ma già[…]

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Microsoft lancia la rivoluzione cloud

Il segmento dei servizi sul cloud di Microsoft è in forte crescita e ha generato ricavi per 6,8 miliardi USD l’ultimo[…]

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#megatrend le dieci invenzioni che ci portano nel futuro

Aerei che volano senza pilota, pistole intelligenti che si inceppano se non vengono usate per legittima difesa, messaggi che Facebook[…]

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#Petya è un atto di guerra digitale

Non erano hacker ma l’atto di guerra contro l’Ucraina. Gli esperti informatici sono or­mai convinti che Petya, il virus che[…]

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L’innovazione digitale è più veloce dei codici

Le dimissioni da ceo di Tra­vis Kalanick il duro ­ pure troppo ­ co­fondatore di Uber potrebbero aprire una nuova pagina[…]

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