Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

General availability: Azure zone-redundant snapshots and images for managed disks

Azure zone-redundant snapshots and images for Managed Disks are now generally available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General availability: Global VNet Peering

Global VNet Peering is generally available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General availability: Azure Network Watcher Connection Monitor in all public regions

Use Azure Network Watcher Connection Monitor to monitor and troubleshoot connectivity from an Azure virtual machine to anywhere. Source: Microsoft[…]

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General availability: Application security groups in all Azure regions

Application security groups are generally available in all Azure public cloud regions. This feature provides security micro-segmentation for your virtual[…]

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General availability: Zone-redundant storage

Simplify development of highly available applications by storing three replicas of your data in different Availability Zones with zone-redundant storage. […]

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General availability: Azure Availability Zones in select regions

Build highly available applications with a 99.99% virtual machine SLA on Azure Availability Zones, now generally available in select regions[…]

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March update for Azure IoT Edge

The March update for Azure IoT Edge contains improvements to the runtime, documentation, and tooling. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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New in March–rich data types, intelligent search, and expanded datacenters

This month, we rolled out updates to Office 365 that include new data types in Excel, intelligent search in SharePoint,[…]

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Public preview: Event Hubs for Go

You can now integrate Azure Event Hubs in your Go applications by using the new Event Hubs package for Go. […]

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Azure SDK for Go v15 is available

Version 15.0.0 of the Azure SDK for Go has been tagged. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Virtual machine serial console

Virtual machine serial console is now in public preview. This feature allows bidirectional serial console access to your virtual machine. […]

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Azure Data Factory supports Azure AD authentication

Azure Data Factory V2 supports Azure AD authentication for Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse, as an alternative to[…]

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