Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

TLS configuration now fixed to block 1.0

We recently announced that all Azure App Service and Azure Functions apps could update TLS configuration. Reporting tools should now[…]

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Name changes: SQL Database Singleton

Effective August 1, 2018, names for vCore-based Single Database and Elastic Pool compute (Gen4 and Gen5) and storage will change. […]

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Name changes: SQL Advanced Threat Protection

Effective August 1, 2018, names will change for two SQL Threat Detection services. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Name changes: SQL Database Singleton US Government

Effective August 1, 2018, names for vCore-based Single Database and Elastic Pool compute (Gen4 and Gen5) and storage will change. […]

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Power and simplicity—updates to the Office 365 user experience

Technology is changing the way people get things done. We’ve picked up the pace. Our work is more collaborative. And[…]

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Potenza e semplicità: aggiornamenti dell’esperienza utente di Office 365

La tecnologia sta cambiando il nostro modo di fare le cose. Abbiamo accelerato i ritmi. Lavoriamo di più in collaborazione.[…]

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Azure Batch updates

Here are the latest new or enhanced capabilities for Azure Batch. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Name changes and GUID migration: App Service Basic and Standard plans

The new App Service on Linux Standard plan (Basic, Standard, and Premium) is generally available. On July 1, 2018, GUID[…]

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Logic Apps available in US Gov

Logic Apps is available in the US Gov Texas region. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Container Instances: June updates

Azure Container Instances enables multiple features in the newest API release, such as YAML support for deployment/export via AZ CLI[…]

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Cognitive Services Speech SDK June 2018 update

Cognitive Services Speech SDK 0.4.0 has been released with additional functionalities of audio input stream support and detailed output format[…]

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Simplifying IT with the latest updates from Windows Autopilot

With Windows Autopilot, our goal is to simplify deployment of new Windows 10 devices by eliminating the cost and complexity[…]

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