Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Update Management: Pre/post tasks, dynamic groups, and update inclusion

Update Management now supports dynamic groups, pre/post tasks, and inclusion lists. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General availability: Event Hubs for Node.js

Version 1.0 of the Azure Event Hubs package for Node.js is now generally available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General availability: Immutable storage for Azure Blob storage

Immutable storage for Azure Blob storage is now generally available in all Azure public regions. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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General availability: Azure Availability Zones in West US 2 and North Europe

Azure Availability Zones, a high-availability solution for mission-critical applications, is now generally available in West US 2 and North Europe. […]

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General availability: Python 2 runbook support in Azure Automation

Azure Automation now supports Python 2 for general availability. You can import, author, and run Python 2 runbooks in Azure[…]

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General availability: Virtual machine serial console

The Azure virtual machine serial console is generally available with new features and many bug fixes and improvements. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Azure API Management update September 14

Learn about the latest regular update to Azure API Management. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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New connectors in Azure Data Factory: Oracle Service Cloud and Google AdWords

You can now copy data from Oracle Service Cloud and Google AdWords into Azure by using Azure Data Factory. Source:[…]

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Power BI Embedded feature: Hide the Power BI logo during visualization load

Use the Power BI Embedded JavaScript SDK to hide the flickering Power BI logo that appears when a report is[…]

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Power BI Embedded feature: Customize end user’s error experience for embedded reports

Software engineers can now customize the error experience shown when a report fails to load or is not available to[…]

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Power BI Embedded: New QPU metric

A new Query Processing Units (QPU) metric has been added to Azure resource monitoring in Power BI Embedded. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Power BI Embedded integration with Azure Diagnostics

Power BI Embedded is integrated with Azure Diagnostics logs, so you can dive into specific behaviors of the resource and[…]

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