Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Power BI Embedded integration with Azure Diagnostics

Power BI Embedded is integrated with Azure Diagnostics logs, so you can dive into specific behaviors of the resource and[…]

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General availability: Event Hubs for Go

Version 1.0 of the Azure Event Hubs package for Go is generally available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Introducing Azure DevOps

Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) is becoming a set of Azure DevOps services. You’ll start to notice new icons and[…]

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SQL Data Warehouse now available in Government Cloud

Azure SQL Data Warehouse Gen2 is now available in government cloud Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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BulkExecutor for Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin API now available

The BulkExecutor library for Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin API is now generally available. This allows for fast data migration operations[…]

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Azure Database Migration Service: PostgreSQL to Azure DB for PostgreSQL migrations support

The Azure Database Migration Service (DMS) provides users the ability to migrate on-premises PostgreSQL databases or PostgreSQL databases running in[…]

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Announcing general availability of Azure IoT Hub integration with Azure Event Grid

The integration will simplify the architecture and development of IoT applications. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Migration support for PostgreSQL to Azure DB for PostgreSQL

Now in preview, you can migrate PostgreSQL databases to Azure Database for PostgreSQL with minimal downtime by using the Azure[…]

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Azure SQL Data Warehouse enables streaming solutions with Azure Databricks

Azure SQL Data Warehouse (SQL DW) customers can build near real-time analytics solutions with tighter integration with Azure Databricks. Source:[…]

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Announcing the Public Preview for Azure Active Directory Integration with Azure Files

Azure Files/AAD integration extends the traditional on-premises identity based access experience that customers are familiar with to Azure Files Cloud[…]

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Avere vFXT for Azure

The Avere vFXT for Azure is a high-performance cache for HPC workloads that provides low-latency access to Azure compute from[…]

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Aiutare i clienti a passare al desktop moderno

L’IT è complessa e può essere difficile tenere il passo con le esigenze quotidiane dell’organizzazione, per non parlare della necessità[…]

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