Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Convalide della conformità e della sicurezza delle pipeline – Aggiornamento dello Sprint 141

Nell’Aggiornamento dello Sprint 141 di Azure DevOps Services puoi ora includere le convalide di sicurezza e conformità in Azure Pipelines.[…]

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Azure Managed Disks GUID migration and name changes

Names and resource GUIDs for Azure Managed Disks are changing November 1, 2018. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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FastTrack for Azure

FastTrack per Azure è disponibile per i clienti idonei che soddisfano determinati criteri. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Public preview: Azure Cost Management

Azure Cost Management is in preview. It can help you understand how and where you’re accruing costs in the cloud,[…]

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Preview of AzureRM.Automation cmdlets

We have released a preview version of the AzureRM.Automation cmdlets. This version contains new cmdlets for the Update Management and[…]

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Public preview: Virtual network service endpoint policies for Azure Storage

Virtual network service endpoint policies for Azure Storage are now in preview. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure IoT Edge 1.0.2 release

The 1.0.2 update for Azure IoT Edge contains extended offline and proxy support. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Stream Analytics: User-defined custom repartition count

We are extending our SQL language to optionally enable users to specify the number of partitions of a stream when[…]

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Stream Analytics: Output partitioning to Blob storage by custom date and time formats

Azure Stream Analytics users can now partition output to Azure Blob storage based on custom date and time formats. Source:[…]

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Stream Analytics: Live data testing in Visual Studio

Visual Studio tooling for Azure Stream Analytics further enhances the local testing capability to help users test their queries against[…]

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Stream Analytics: Query extensibility with C# UDF on Azure IoT Edge

Developers who create Stream Analytics modules for Azure IoT Edge can now write custom C# functions and invoke them right[…]

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Stream Analytics: Parallel SQL write operations

To achieve fully parallel topologies, Azure Stream Analytics will transition SQL writes from serial to parallel operations while simultaneously allowing[…]

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