Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure Security Center update: Azure App Service recommendation improvements

Azure App Service security recommendations have been improved to provide greater accuracy and environment compatibility. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure portal March 2019 update

Learn about updates to the Azure portal for March 2019, including Virtual Network Gateway overview page changes, new full-screen DNS[…]

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Update 19.03 for Azure Sphere public preview now available for evaluation

We now support both a Retail Evaluation feed and a Retail feed for the Azure Sphere OS. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Priorità del carico di lavoro (anteprima) per Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Gestisci i carichi di lavoro in modo più efficiente usando la priorità del carico di lavoro. Questa funzionalità è ora[…]

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Azure Log Analytics is now General Available in Australia East and in Australia Central

Australia East and Australia Central are now GA for customers to start collecting telemetry and analyze their services for health[…]

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Service Map available in Central Canada and UK South

Service Map is now available in Central Canada and UK South. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Application Insights is now available in France Central and Korea Central

Application Insights is now available in France Central and Korea Central. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Upcoming change to Azure Monitor Application Insights Smart Detection emails

On April 1, 2019, we’re changing the default roles that receive email notifications from Azure Monitor Application Insights Smart Detection.[…]

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Aggiunte al linguaggio del modello di Azure Resource Manager

Sono stati aggiunti alcuni nuovi elementi al linguaggio del modello di Azure Resource Manager, ovvero gli output condizionali, la copia[…]

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AKS 2019-03-07 release

The AKS 2019-03-07 release contains bug fixes and a new version of the Azure Monitor for containers agent. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Azure South Africa regions are now available

Azure services are available from new cloud regions in Johannesburg (South Africa North) and Cape Town (South Africa West), South[…]

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HDInsight networking resources provisioned in the HDInsight resource group

The networking resources (such as NICs and load balancers) for new Azure HDInsight clusters created in a virtual network are[…]

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