Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Slow query log integration with Azure Monitor for Azure Database for MariaDB is now supported

Azure Database for MariaDB users can now take advantage of generally available support for slow query log integration with Azure[…]

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The Orafce extension on Azure Database for PostgreSQL is now available

Now generally available, the orafce extension is supported on Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Read replica across regions for Azure database services for MySQL and PostgreSQL

Cross-region asynchronous replication is now in preview for Azure Database for MySQL and Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Azure Cosmos DB Operator role for role-based access control (RBAC) is now available

Azure Cosmos DB now provides a new RBAC role: Cosmos DB Operator. This new role lets you provision Azure Cosmos[…]

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Enhanced Azure Resource Manager support for Azure Cosmos DB is now available

Azure Cosmos DB now provides support for databases, containers, and offers in Azure Resource Manager. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Le macchine virtuali HPC (High-Performance Computing) sono ora disponibili nelle aree Stati Uniti centro-meridionali ed Europa occidentale

Le VM della serie HB sono ora disponibili nelle aree Stati Uniti centro-meridionali ed Europa occidentale Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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Disponibilità generale: Azure Dev Spaces

Azure Dev Spaces è ora disponibile nelle aree Stati Uniti orientali, Stati Uniti orientali 2, Stati Uniti centrali, Stati Uniti[…]

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Improvements to the Azure portal user experience are now available

Announcing exciting updates that improve the user experience in the Azure portal Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Disponibilità generale: Prefisso indirizzo IP pubblico

Prefisso indirizzo IP pubblico, un intervallo riservato di indirizzi IP statici, è disponibile a livello generale in tutte le aree[…]

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Lo spegnimento di macchine virtuali di Azure è ora disponibile con l'arresto rapido

Ora puoi spegnere (arrestare) rapidamente e in modo forzato le VM di Azure con il nuovo flag skipShutdown. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Corrected billing for Azure SQL Data Warehouse and other Azure services

We’ve corrected billing for Azure SQL Data Warehouse and other Azure services that impacted EA customers only. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Azure Lab Services update: Address range feature now available

In Azure Lab Services, we now added the ability to provide address range of virtual machines for the labs. Source:[…]

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