Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Service Tag Discovery API is now available in preview

Service Tag Discovery API is in preview. It’s now possible to programmatically retrieve global IP address information for Azure and[…]

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Azure Monitor Application Insights Status Monitor v2 is now generally available

Announcing Application Insights Status Monitor v2 is now generally available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Nuova guida a FastTrack per velocizzare la distribuzione di Windows 10

L’aggiornamento di ambienti con tecnologie complesse non è un’attività semplice. Al fine di supportarti in ogni passo della distribuzione di[…]

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Azure IoT Edge support in Azure DevOps Project and Azure Pipelines

We’re excited to announce that IoT Edge support in Azure DevOps Project and Azure Pipelines is generally available. Developers can[…]

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Azure Migrate is now available in Australia, Canada, India, and Japan

Azure Migrate now supports the creation of migration projects in Australia, Canada, India, and Japan geographies. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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Disaster recovery of Azure Disk Encryption-enabled virtual machines

Azure Site Recovery now supports disaster recovery for Azure Disk Encryption-enabled virtual machines without Azure Active Directory app. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Azure Firewall feature updates for July 2019

Here are the Azure Firewall feature updates for July 2019. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Blob Storage on IoT Edge is now generally available

Azure Blob Storage on IoT Edge is a lightweight, Azure-consistent IoT module that provides local block blob storage and enables[…]

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Navigator now provides dependency mapping and change analysis in App Service Diagnostics

Navigator is now available in App Service Diagnostics for Windows web apps. Navigator provides a centralized view of an app[…]

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Come collaboriamo coi nostri partner affinché i clienti traggano il massimo da Microsoft Managed Desktop

Abbiamo sviluppato Microsoft Managed Desktop per velocizzare la trasformazione digitale dei nostri clienti. Microsoft Managed Desktop offre ai clienti un[…]

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Azure Monitor for Containers with Prometheus support for AKS engines is now in preview

Prometheus integration with Azure Monitor for containers is now in preview and brings together the best of two worlds. Typically,[…]

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New budgets creation experience is now available

We are excited to announce the release of a new budgets creation experience for all customers. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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