Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Monthly payment options are now available for Azure reservations

Lower your upfront payment by selecting monthly payment options—at no additional cost—when purchasing Azure reservations. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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M-series virtual machines (VMs) are now generally available in the France Central region

Azure M-series VMs are now available in the France Central region. M-series VMs offer configurations with memory from 192 GB[…]

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Connect to your virtual machine (VM) through a web browser

Azure DevTest Labs now integrates with Azure Bastion, enabling you to connect to your virtual machines through a web browser. […]

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Azure Backup now provides soft delete capability to help protect hybrid backups

We now provide soft delete capability to help protect cloud backups for IaaS virtual machines from accidental as well as[…]

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Microsoft Azure disponibile da nuove aree cloud in Svizzera

Le nuove aree dei data center soddisfano requisiti essenziali a livello di residenza dei dati, sicurezza e conformità per le[…]

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La funzionalità di flussi di dati di mapping di Azure Data Factory aggiunge script SQL alla trasformazione del sink

Data Factory consente ora di eseguire script SQL personalizzati dalla trasformazione del sink SQL nei flussi di dati di mapping.[…]

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It’s now easier to share customized views in Azure Cost Management

There’s a new, more convenient way to share customized views in Azure Cost Management—directly from cost analysis. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Service Fabric Azure Files Volume Driver is now generally available

Service Fabric Azure Files Volume Driver is now generally available. The Azure Files volume plugin is a Docker volume plugin[…]

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Azure Monitor Application Insights variable retention is now available in preview

It’s now possible to configure the data retention on your Azure Monitor Application Insights resources from 30 days up to[…]

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Azure Cost Management – Save and share customized views

Customizing a view in Azure Cost Management is easy. Pick the date range you need, group the data to see[…]

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Azure Site Recovery update rollup 39—August 2019

This update provides information on recent fixes as well as download links to the latest versions of Site Recovery components. […]

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Storage Ultra Disks meter name change

Effective October 1, 2019, the meter (also known as resource GUID) names for Ultra Disks in US East 2 regions[…]

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