Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure Mv2-series virtual machines (VMs) offering up to 6 TB of memory are now available for the US West 2 region

Azure Mv2-series virtual machines offering up to 208 vCPU in 3 TB and 6 TB memory configurations are now generally[…]

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Azure Monitor for containers—Prometheus integration is now in preview

Prometheus integration with Azure Monitor for containers is now available in preview. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Lab Services has removed the unlimited option from quota per user to help save on costs

Azure Lab Services has removed the unlimited option from quota per user so lab owners can intentionally choose a specific[…]

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Azure Lab Services now has a new instance size available—Medium (nested virtualization)

Azure Lab Services now has a new instance size available—Medium (nested virtualization) that’s priced at USD0.55 per hour across all[…]

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Azure Lab Services—Ability to reset passwords and support for Ubuntu Images has been added

Azure Lab Services now supports the ability to reset passwords and to provide added support for Ubuntu images. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Linux support on Azure Functions Premium plan

The Azure Functions Premium plan preview is now expanded to Linux hosting and custom Docker containers. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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SQL Server CTP 3.2 big data cluster is now in preview

Big data clusters, one of the hero features for SQL Server 2019, is now available in preview. It combines SQL[…]

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Azure IoT Edge 1.0.8 release is now available

Azure IoT Edge 1.0.8 release is available with multiple improvements. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Guidance on CVE-2018-15664 for Azure IoT Edge

A security fix which addresses CVE-2018-15664 is available for Azure IoT Edge. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Cognitive Services Speech US Gov Resource GUID Change

Effective September 2, 2019, the Resource GUIDs (also known as Meter IDs) of Custom Speech endpoint hosting in Speech Services[…]

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Azure portal July 2019 feature update

This month, Azure portal updates include updates to Azure Security Center, the ability to use ephemeral OS disks on Azure[…]

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Premium Blob now supports Blob Lifecycle Management

Premium Blob now supports policy-based object deletion. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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