Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Upcoming changes for Service Map data stored in Log Analytics

Updates for Service Map are coming that will change where we store some of our data in Log Analytics. These[…]

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Azure Analysis Services QPU AutoScale is now available

Azure Analysis Services QPU AutoScale enables automatic customizable scaling for AAS instances. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Execute Azure Machine Learning service pipelines in Azure Data Factory pipelines

You now have the ability to run your Azure Machine Learning service pipelines as a step in your Azure Data[…]

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Azure Data Factory—Mapping Data Flows is now generally available

Mapping Data Flows is now generally available. This new capability brings code-free visual data transformation to Azure Data Factory without[…]

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Introducing new Azure Resource Graph functionality – Track changes to your resource properties

An update to the Azure Resource Graph API allows you to see the type of change to the resource (Create,[…]

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Azure Sphere 19.09 release adds new use cases for enterprise customers

Update 19.09 for Azure Sphere public preview now available in Retail feed Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Application Insights is now available in the Brazil South region

Azure Application Insights is now generally available in the Brazil South region. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Monitor Log Analytics retention is now configurable by data type

Data retention in Azure Monitor Log Analytics can now be configured for each data type, rather than only a single[…]

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Anteprima privata – Servizio Azure Spring Cloud

Semplifica lo sviluppo di microservizi basati su Spring Boot e la gestione della vita delle applicazioni. Source: Microsoft Azure –[…]

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New reference data options in Stream Analytics—SQL Managed Instance and SQL Server on VM

It’s now possible to configure an Azure SQL Database Managed Instance or even a SQL server running on a virtual[…]

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Le zone private di DNS di Azure sono ora disponibili a livello generale

Annuncio della disponibilità generale delle zone private di DNS di Azure. Questa è una versione pronta per la produzione che[…]

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New output options in Azure Stream Analytics—SQL Managed Instance and SQL Server on VM

It’s now possible to configure an Azure SQL Database Managed Instance or even a SQL server running on a virtual[…]

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