Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

The Value of Certification

Recent graduates, of both high school and college, are chock full of knowledge and ideas. In order for them to have the greatest impact on their own lives and the lives of others, they first need to stand out from the pack and effectively communicate their insights with others. That is what Microsoft Imagine Academy can provide: opportunity for students to earn valuable and relevant certifications that boost resumes and applications, and the know-how to proficiently and clearly communicate with their peers. At AGORA TECH srls, we believe that no matter where someone chooses to take their talents, we can help them get there.

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Customer Story: SitePro – part 3

In order to continuously provide value to their oil and gas customers, SitePro needed a system that was quick for them to implement and truly offered the benefits of a digital oil field by providing up-to-the-minute data to their customers. That’s why SitePro switched to Azure, whose multiple capabilities work together to provide a stable, accessible, and scalable platform from which to run their turnkey application. Curious about which Azure offerings could be out there ready to enhance your business? At AGORA TECH srls, we want to help you find out. Contact us to learn more.

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Large storage for Azure Database for PostgreSQL–Single is now available

Azure Database for PostgreSQL–Single now has support for up to 16 TB of storage and up to 20,000 IOPS. With[…]

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Azure Database for MySQL—Large storage is now generally available

Support is now available for up to 16 TB of storage and up to 20,000 IOPS in Azure Database services[…]

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Azure Synapse Analytics—Continuous integration and deployment with SSDT is now available

The highest requested feature for Azure Synapse Analytics is now available—SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) Database projects. This release includes[…]

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Azure DevOps—New sprint burndown widget and improved pipelines security

In the latest update to Azure DevOps, we added a new sprint burndown widget that supports burning down by story[…]

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Azure Data Factory has added Avro and CosmosDB to data flows

Azure Data Factory has added native CosmosDB and Avro connectors to mapping data flows Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Stream Analytics—Real-time scoring with custom machine learning models

Azure Stream Analytics now supports high-performance, real-time scoring by taking advantage of custom pre-trained machine learning models that are managed[…]

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Azure Stream Analytics—Managed Identity authentication with Power BI

Stream Analytics now offers full support for managed identity-based authentication with Power BI for dynamic dashboarding experience. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Azure Stream Analytics—C# custom deserializers in Cloud and IoT edge

Take advantage of the power of Stream Analytics to process data in Protobuf, XML, or any custom format. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Online scaling for Stream Analytics jobs

With online scaling capability, it’s now possible to increase or decrease the SU capacity of a running job without having[…]

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Azure Kinect DK coming to Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom

In March 2020 the Azure Kinect DK will be available for purchase in Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Source:[…]

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