Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Customer Story: School gets future ready with Windows 10 devices, Office 365, and STEM curriculum

No one person can be an expert on everything, and this applies to teachers as well. When it comes to STEM areas where many are unfamiliar, technology can give them access to tools and other educators who can help them confidently expand their STEM curriculums. Similarly, students can’t be expected to resonate with every subject taught. More STEM in the classroom offers exposure to a wider variety of subjects and activities, increasing the likelihood that students find a subject they’re passionate about. At AGORA TECH srls, we want to help your teachers bring exciting new content into their classrooms.

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Upgrade to new solution for Azure Monitor for virtual machines

The new solution for Azure Monitor for VMs will soon be available in all regions. This update will provide richer[…]

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Azure App Service on Azure Stack Hub Update 8 Released

Azure App Service on Azure Stack Hub Update 8 released today. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Azure Lighthouse: New features are now generally available

We are announcing several new features, including a new built-in role for managed service providers (MSPs) to opt out of[…]

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Azure Data Factory is now available in South Africa North

Azure Data Factory is now available in South Africa North Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Soft Delete for SQL server in Azure VM and SAP HANA in Azure VM workloads

Azure Backup now provides soft delete for SQL server in Azure VM and SAP HANA in Azure VM workloads along[…]

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Updating hardware generation in managed instance now available in Azure portal

Managed instance now provides the capability to update hardware generation from Gen4 to Gen5 from the pricing tier screen in[…]

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New Azure Lighthouse features are now generally available

New Azure Lighthouse features are now generally available, including a built-in role for managed service providers to opt out of[…]

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Azure DevOps—Release and pipelines events now available in the audit logs

In the Sprint 163 update of Azure DevOps, release and pipelines events have been added to the audit logs. In[…]

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New support for Network Security Group flow logs, a feature of Azure Network Watcher

Network Security Group (NSG) flow logs, a feature of Azure Network Watcher, now supports two new Azure Storage configurations. Source:[…]

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Aggiornamenti di App per la logica di Azure per novembre e dicembre 2019

Ecco le nuove funzionalità, le correzioni e i connettori per App per la logica di Azure rilasciati nei mesi di[…]

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Azure API Management update—January 2020

A regular Azure API Management service update was started on January 22, 2019, and included the following new features, bug[…]

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