Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Deploying Windows 10 at Microsoft as an in-place upgrade

When Microsoft Core Services Engineering and Operations (CSEO), deployed Windows 10 across their network, they created a deployment plan to help other users do it faster. They addressed compatibility issues, reduced the cost and management of deployments, and improved user readiness and installation experience. If you haven’t upgraded to Windows 10, we can help.

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Rafforzare la NFL con Microsoft Surface e Microsoft Teams

Nel 2013 abbiamo stabilito una partnership tecnologica profonda con la NFL. La missione di questa partnership era semplice: usare la[…]

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Enabling Analytics for Improvement: Lessons from year 2 of Fresno’s Personalized Learning Initiative

The Fresno Unified School District is providing its students with a robust and adaptable education by implementing a Personalized Learning Initiative (PLI) in its schools, changing the way that students and teachers connect and collaborate. By leveraging learning tools available in Microsoft Education technology, the PLI helps to improve student outcomes by creating a digital learning environment that facilitates student collaboration and creativity. At AGORA TECH srls, we want to help your school set its students on the path to success.

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Defend, protect, secure. IT heroes in action.

The IT professionals in your office do far more than just help you reset your password or recover files from a crashed computer. From the first thing Monday morning onward, these heroes are hard at work protecting your organization. IT is always at the ready to respond to threats when detected through tools like Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection and Cloud App Security, all while laying the groundwork to avoid future attacks. The security features in Microsoft 365 can help your IT heroes perform their jobs more effectively. Give them the help they deserve with tools that benefit your entire organization. Contact us to learn more.

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Azure IoT PaaS vs SaaS

It’s important for every business to know its options, and with SaaS and PaaS, distinguishing between solution benefits can make the difference between a good decision for your business and a great one. At AGORA TECH srls, we can help you find the solution that best fits your needs. Contact us today to set up a consultation. Together, we can create a lasting digital framework for your business to succeed.

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Microsoft 365 Office Flyer

Customers expect transparency from every company they do business with. It’s important to have the right IT solution that makes privacy, security, and transparency easy, especially with a growing number of cyberthreats. At AGORA TECH srls, we want our customers to be more secure than ever, safeguarded against cybercriminals and cyberattacks. We can help you integrate solutions with proactive capabilities and anomaly detection policies. Together, we can ensure that all your devices are protected. Contact us today to learn more.

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Customer Story: St. Lucie Public Schools

When overburdened school districts struggle to provide resources for everyone, it’s easy for some students to get lost in the shuffle. St. Lucie Public Schools is leveling the educational playing field by using Microsoft Education technology to track student progress so that each student receives the support they need to turn their dreams into realities. With Microsoft Power BI, educators can use data to determine what kinds of scholarships and educational opportunities are available for each individual student. At AGORA TECH srls, we want to help provide the best resources for all students.

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Lavorare in remoto durante periodi difficili

Il COVID-19 ha influenzato la vita degli utenti in tutto il mondo. Le restrizioni di viaggio e le nuove regole[…]

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Service Management REST APIs and support will be retired on November 1, 2021

To continue using Service Bus, Relay, and Event Hubs, please move your APIs to Azure Resource Manager. Source: Microsoft Azure[…]

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Migrate your IaaS resources to Azure Resource Manager by March 1, 2023

We encourage you to make the switch to Azure Resource Manager to take advantage of the many feature enhancements in[…]

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La funzionalità Crittografia dati di Azure Site Recovery verrà ritirata il 30 aprile 2022

Questa funzionalità sarà sostituita dalla funzionalità più avanzata Crittografia dei dati inattivi di Azure Site Recovery, che usa la Crittografia[…]

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Il supporto per la versione classica di Rete virtuale di Azure AD Domain Services verrà ritirato il 1° marzo 2023

Nel 2017 è stato reso disponibile Azure AD Domain Services per l’hosting in una rete di Azure Resource Manager. Da[…]

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