Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Azure SQL Database Managed Instance

Switching from an on-premises server to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance can result in an ROI of 212% and post-migration payback within six months. How is this possible? The brilliance behind Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is its customizability. Choose and pay for exactly the space and computing power you need, while utilizing options like Azure Hybrid Benefit and reserving capacity to save you big dollars. Plus, the move from your on-premises server to the cloud is simple, with no need to reconfigure your applications. AGORA TECH srls is ready to help you get started. What are you waiting for?

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Minimum virtual machine sizing for Azure HDInsight cluster head nodes

Beginning April 6, 2020, customers will be able to choose only 4-core or higher virtual machines (VMs) as head nodes[…]

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Azure spot virtual machine meter changes

Effective February 3, 2020, the resource GUIDs (also known as meter IDs) and names of Azure low-priority virtual machines on[…]

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The new Power BI filter pane goes live in all reports

The new filter pane goes live in all reports in April 2020. Turn it on now to fine-tune the formatting[…]

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Azure Bastion now generally available in East US 2 and West US 2

Azure Bastion is now generally available in two more Azure public cloud regions—East US 2 and West US 2. We’ll[…]

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Service-aided subnet configuration for managed instance in Azure SQL Database is now available

To address customer security and manageability requirements, managed instance, a deployment capability of Azure SQL Database, is transitioning from a[…]

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Azure Migrate ora supporta la valutazione dei server fisici

Il supporto per la valutazione dei server fisici è ora disponibile in anteprima in Azure, oltre al supporto esistente per[…]

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Improvements to Azure Monitor for containers could impact your queries

The new Azure Monitor for containers agent, version ciprod12042019, introduces major improvements in resource use and data volume optimizations to[…]

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Azure Active Directory Domain Services meter name changes

The meter names of Azure Active Directory Domain Services directory objects will change between December 10, 2019, and February 1,[…]

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Csharp and Java SDKs for IoT Plug and Play are now in Preview

We have added two more SDK languages to the IoT Plug and Play public preview. You can now develop with[…]

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Azure Australia Central Region Changes

Effective 1 February 2020 , the pricing promotion for the Azure Australia Central regions will end and all services in[…]

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Azure Cognitive Speech Services meter ID changes

Effective February 1, 2020, the Resource GUIDs (also known as Meter IDs) of Custom Voice endpoint hosting in Speech Services[…]

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