Ultimi Aggiornamenti di Azure Microsoft Cloud

Native Mongo shell on Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB is now in preview

Execute Mongo database commands directly on top of your database account using the native Mongo shell in the Azure Cosmos[…]

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Azure Security Center—Protection for Azure Kubernetes Service is now available

Azure Security Center is expanding its container security features to protect Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Multi-organization billing for Azure DevOps is now available

Multi-organization billing for Azure DevOps is now available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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3 anni di Microsoft Teams: tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno per entrare in contatto con i membri del tuo team e aumentare la produttività

Questa settimana Microsoft Teams festeggia il suo terzo anniversario. Sono stati 3 anni incredibili, ed è così entusiasmante vedere come[…]

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Azure IoT Edge 1.0.9 release is now available

The Azure IoT Edge 1.0.9 release is available with support for x.509 certs and the ‘iotedge support-bundle’ command. Source: Microsoft[…]

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Azure Storage—Append Blob immutability support now generally available

Store business-critical data objects in a non-erasable and non-modifiable state for a user-specified retention interval using immutable storage for Azure[…]

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Action Required—Log Analytics agent for Windows will enforce SHA-2 signing on May 18, 2020

The Log Analytics agent for Windows, sometimes known as the OMS Windows agent or Microsoft Monitoring agent, will begin to[…]

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Log Analytics Agent for Windows March 2020 release is now available

The Log Analytics Agent for Windows March 2020 release is now available. Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Cosa abbiamo imparato del lavoro remoto nelle ultime due settimane

Nelle due settimane trascorse da quando il nostro team nello stretto di Puget è passato al lavoro remoto, la lotta[…]

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HBv2-Series VMs are Generally Available in West Europe

HBv2-series VMs for HPC now available in the Azure West Europe region Source: Microsoft Azure – aggiornamenti

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Creating next-generation power management with Azure IoT

With graduation rates at 55%, educators at the Tacoma Public School District knew they needed to connect with their students to improve their educational prospects. But how? With help from Azure Machine Learning, teachers were able to see which students were at risk of dropping out. This game-changing data analysis enables teachers to provide extra learning assistance to the students who need it most. At AGORA TECH srls, we want to help your students get the most out of their education.

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Cognitive Services introduces new Neural Text to Speech voices for different styles

We are excited to be rolling out new speaking styles for newscast, voice assistant, and customer service scenarios for our[…]

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